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00001 /**
00002  * C-JDBC: Clustered JDBC.
00003  * Copyright (C) 2002-2004 French National Institute For Research In Computer
00004  * Science And Control (INRIA).
00005  * Contact:
00006  * 
00007  * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
00008  * under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the
00009  * Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License, or any later
00010  * version.
00011  * 
00012  * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
00013  * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
00014  * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License
00015  * for more details.
00016  * 
00017  * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
00018  * along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
00019  * Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA.
00020  *
00021  * Initial developer(s): Emmanuel Cecchet.
00022  * Contributor(s): Mathieu Peltier, Sara Bouchenak.
00023  */
00025 package org.objectweb.cjdbc.controller.xml;
00027 import;
00028 import;
00029 import;
00030 import;
00031 import;
00032 import;
00033 import;
00034 import;
00035 import java.util.ArrayList;
00036 import java.util.Locale;
00038 import org.objectweb.cjdbc.common.exceptions.ExceptionTypes;
00039 import org.objectweb.cjdbc.common.i18n.Translate;
00040 import org.objectweb.cjdbc.common.jmx.JmxConstants;
00041 import org.objectweb.cjdbc.common.jmx.JmxException;
00042 import org.objectweb.cjdbc.common.log.Trace;
00043 import;
00044 import org.objectweb.cjdbc.common.xml.ControllerXmlTags;
00045 import org.objectweb.cjdbc.common.xml.XmlValidator;
00046 import org.objectweb.cjdbc.controller.core.Controller;
00047 import org.objectweb.cjdbc.controller.core.ControllerConstants;
00048 import org.objectweb.cjdbc.controller.core.ControllerFactory;
00049 import org.objectweb.cjdbc.controller.core.ReportManager;
00050 import;
00051 import org.xml.sax.Attributes;
00052 import org.xml.sax.InputSource;
00053 import org.xml.sax.SAXException;
00054 import org.xml.sax.SAXParseException;
00055 import org.xml.sax.XMLReader;
00056 import org.xml.sax.helpers.DefaultHandler;
00057 import org.xml.sax.helpers.XMLReaderFactory;
00059 /**
00060  * Allows to parse an XML content containing the description of the controller
00061  * confirming to C-JDBC-controller.dtd.
00062  * 
00063  * @author <a href="">Emmanuel Cecchet </a>
00064  * @author <a href="">Nicolas Modrzyk </a>
00065  * @version 1.0
00066  */
00067 public class ControllerParser extends DefaultHandler
00068 {
00069   /** Logger instance. */
00070   static Trace                      logger      = Trace
00071                                                     .getLogger(ControllerParser.class
00072                                                         .getName());
00074   /** XML parser. */
00075   private XMLReader                 parser;
00077   /** C-JDBC controller to setup. */
00078   private ControllerFactory         config;
00079   private ControllerSecurityManager security;
00080   private Controller                controller;
00081   private boolean                   parseAccept = false;
00082   private SSLConfiguration          ssl;
00083   private String                    controllerIP;
00084   private ReportManager             manager;
00086   /**
00087    * Creates a new <code>ControllerParser</code> instance. This method
00088    * Instanciates also a new <code>ControllerHandler</code>.
00089    * 
00090    * @param configure a <code>ControllerFactory</code> object that contains
00091    *          the configuration to update with values from xml parsing
00092    * @throws Exception if an error occurs
00093    */
00094   public ControllerParser(ControllerFactory configure) throws Exception
00095   {
00096     this.config = configure;
00097     this.controller = configure.getController();
00099     // Instantiate a new parser
00100     parser = XMLReaderFactory.createXMLReader();
00102     // Activate validation
00103     parser.setFeature("", true);
00105     // Install error handler
00106     parser.setErrorHandler(this);
00108     // Install document handler
00109     parser.setContentHandler(this);
00111     // Install local entity resolver
00112     parser.setEntityResolver(this);
00113   }
00115   /**
00116    * Parses an XML content according to C-JDBC-controller DTD.
00117    * 
00118    * @param xml a <code>String</code> containing the XML content to parse
00119    * @exception SAXException if an error occurs
00120    * @exception IOException if an error occurs
00121    */
00122   public void readXML(String xml) throws IOException, SAXException
00123   {
00124     if (xml != null)
00125     {
00126       InputSource input = new InputSource(new StringReader(xml));
00127       parser.parse(input);
00128     }
00129     else
00130       throw new IOException("Input was null in input source.");
00131   }
00133   /**
00134    * Parses an XML formatted string according to C-JDBC-controller DTD.
00135    * 
00136    * @param xml a <code>String</code> reference to the xml to parse
00137    * @param validateBeforeParsing if validation should be checked before parsing
00138    * @exception SAXException if an error occurs
00139    * @exception IOException if an error occurs
00140    */
00141   public void readXML(String xml, boolean validateBeforeParsing)
00142       throws IOException, SAXException
00143   {
00144     if (validateBeforeParsing)
00145     {
00146       XmlValidator validator = new XmlValidator(
00147           ControllerConstants.C_JDBC_CONTROLLER_DTD_FILE, xml.toString());
00148       if (logger.isDebugEnabled())
00149       {
00150         if (validator.isDtdValid())
00151           logger.debug(Translate.get("controller.xml.dtd.validated"));
00152         if (validator.isXmlValid())
00153           logger.debug(Translate.get("controller.xml.document.validated"));
00154       }
00156       if (validator.getWarnings().size() > 0)
00157       {
00158         ArrayList warnings = validator.getWarnings();
00159         for (int i = 0; i < warnings.size(); i++)
00160           logger.warn(Translate.get("virtualdatabase.xml.parsing.warning",
00161               warnings.get(i)));
00162       }
00164       if (!validator.isDtdValid())
00165         logger.error(Translate.get("controller.xml.dtd.not.validated"));
00166       if (!validator.isXmlValid())
00167         logger.error(Translate.get("controller.xml.document.not.validated"));
00169       ArrayList errors = validator.getExceptions();
00170       for (int i = 0; i < errors.size(); i++)
00171         logger.error(((Exception) errors.get(i)).getMessage());
00173       if (!validator.isValid())
00174         throw new SAXException(ExceptionTypes.XML_DOCUMENT_INVALID);
00175     }
00176     readXML(xml);
00177   }
00179   /**
00180    * Parses an XML formatted file according to C-JDBC-controller DTD.
00181    * 
00182    * @param fileReader a <code>FileReader</code> reference to the xml to parse
00183    * @param validateBeforeParsing if validation should be checked before parsing
00184    * @exception SAXException if an error occurs
00185    * @exception IOException if an error occurs
00186    */
00187   public void readXML(FileReader fileReader, boolean validateBeforeParsing)
00188       throws IOException, SAXException
00189   {
00190     if (fileReader != null)
00191     {
00193       // Read the file
00194       BufferedReader in = new BufferedReader(fileReader);
00195       StringBuffer xml = new StringBuffer();
00196       String line;
00197       do
00198       {
00199         line = in.readLine();
00200         if (line != null)
00201           xml.append(line.trim());
00202       }
00203       while (line != null);
00205       readXML(xml.toString(), validateBeforeParsing);
00206     }
00207     else
00208     {
00209       throw new IOException("Input was null in input source.");
00210     }
00211   }
00213   /**
00214    * Handles notification of a non-recoverable parser error.
00215    * 
00216    * @param e the warning information encoded as an exception.
00217    * @exception SAXException any SAX exception, possibly wrapping another
00218    *              exception.
00219    */
00220   public void fatalError(SAXParseException e) throws SAXException
00221   {
00222     logger.error(Translate.get("controller.xml.parsing.fatal", new String[]{
00223         e.getPublicId(), String.valueOf(e.getLineNumber()),
00224         String.valueOf(e.getColumnNumber()), e.getMessage()}));
00225     throw e;
00226   }
00228   /**
00229    * Handles notification of a recoverable parser error.
00230    * 
00231    * @param e the warning information encoded as an exception.
00232    * @exception SAXException any SAX exception, possibly wrapping another
00233    *              exception
00234    */
00235   public void error(SAXParseException e) throws SAXException
00236   {
00237     logger.error(Translate.get("controller.xml.parsing.error", new String[]{
00238         e.getPublicId(), String.valueOf(e.getLineNumber()),
00239         String.valueOf(e.getColumnNumber()), e.getMessage()}));
00240     throw e;
00241   }
00243   /**
00244    * Allows to parse the document with a local copy of the DTD whatever the
00245    * original <code>DOCTYPE</code> found. Warning, this method is called only
00246    * if the XML document contains a <code>DOCTYPE</code>.
00247    * 
00248    * @see org.xml.sax.EntityResolver#resolveEntity(java.lang.String,
00249    *      java.lang.String)
00250    */
00251   public InputSource resolveEntity(String publicId, String systemId)
00252       throws SAXException
00253   {
00254     logger.debug(Translate.get("controller.xml.dtd.using",
00255         ControllerConstants.C_JDBC_CONTROLLER_DTD_FILE));
00256     InputStream stream = ControllerParser.class.getResourceAsStream("/"
00257         + ControllerConstants.C_JDBC_CONTROLLER_DTD_FILE);
00258     if (stream == null)
00259     {
00260       throw new SAXException(Translate.get("controller.xml.dtd.not.found",
00261           ControllerConstants.C_JDBC_CONTROLLER_DTD_FILE));
00262     }
00264     return new InputSource(stream);
00265   }
00267   /**
00268    * Initializes parsing of a document.
00269    * 
00270    * @exception SAXException unspecialized error
00271    */
00272   public void startDocument() throws SAXException
00273   {
00274     logger.debug(Translate.get("controller.xml.parsing.document"));
00275   }
00277   /**
00278    * Finalizes parsing of a document.
00279    * 
00280    * @exception SAXException unspecialized error
00281    */
00282   public void endDocument() throws SAXException
00283   {
00285   }
00287   /**
00288    * Analyzes an element first line.
00289    * 
00290    * @param uri name space URI
00291    * @param localName local name
00292    * @param name element raw name
00293    * @param atts element attributes
00294    * @exception SAXException if an error occurs
00295    */
00296   public void startElement(String uri, String localName, String name,
00297       Attributes atts) throws SAXException
00298   {
00299     logger.debug(Translate.get("controller.xml.parsing.start", name));
00300     if (name.equalsIgnoreCase(ControllerXmlTags.ELT_CONTROLLER))
00301       configureController(atts);
00302     else if (name.equalsIgnoreCase(ControllerXmlTags.ELT_INTERNATIONALIZATION))
00303     {
00304       Locale.setDefault(new Locale(atts
00305           .getValue(ControllerXmlTags.ATT_LANGUAGE), ""));
00306     }
00307     else if (name.equalsIgnoreCase(ControllerXmlTags.ELT_REPORT))
00308       configureReport(atts);
00309     else if (name.equalsIgnoreCase(ControllerXmlTags.ELT_JMX))
00310     {
00311       config.put(ControllerFactory.JMX_ENABLE, "true");
00312     }
00313     else if (name.equalsIgnoreCase(ControllerXmlTags.ELT_HTTP_JMX_ADAPTOR))
00314       configureHttpJmxAdaptor(atts);
00315     else if (name.equalsIgnoreCase(ControllerXmlTags.ELT_RMI_JMX_ADAPTOR))
00316       configureRmiJmxAdaptor(atts);
00317     else if (name.equalsIgnoreCase(ControllerXmlTags.ELT_SSL))
00318       configureSSL(atts);
00319     else if (name.equalsIgnoreCase(ControllerXmlTags.ELT_VIRTUAL_DATABASE))
00320       configureVirtualDatabase(atts);
00321     else if (name.equalsIgnoreCase(ControllerXmlTags.ELT_SECURITY))
00322     {
00323       security = new ControllerSecurityManager();
00324       boolean connect = new Boolean(atts
00325           .getValue(ControllerXmlTags.ATT_DEFAULT_CONNECT)).booleanValue();
00326       security.setDefaultConnect(connect);
00327     }
00328     else if (name.equalsIgnoreCase(ControllerXmlTags.ELT_JAR))
00329     {
00330       boolean allow = new Boolean(atts
00331           .getValue(ControllerXmlTags.ATT_JAR_ALLOW_DRIVER)).booleanValue();
00332       security.setAllowAdditionalDriver(allow);
00333     }
00334     else if (name.equalsIgnoreCase(ControllerXmlTags.ELT_CLIENT))
00335       configureClient(atts);
00336     else if (name.equalsIgnoreCase(ControllerXmlTags.ELT_CONSOLE))
00337       configureConsole(atts);
00338     else if (name.equalsIgnoreCase(ControllerXmlTags.ELT_ACCEPT))
00339       parseAccept = true;
00340     else if (name.equalsIgnoreCase(ControllerXmlTags.ELT_BLOCK))
00341       parseAccept = false;
00342     else if (name.equalsIgnoreCase(ControllerXmlTags.ELT_HOSTNAME))
00343       security.addHostToSecureList(atts.getValue(ControllerXmlTags.ATT_VALUE),
00344           parseAccept);
00345     else if (name.equalsIgnoreCase(ControllerXmlTags.ELT_IPADDRESS))
00346       security.addHostToSecureList(atts.getValue(ControllerXmlTags.ATT_VALUE),
00347           parseAccept);
00348     else if (name.equalsIgnoreCase(ControllerXmlTags.ELT_IPRANGE))
00349       configureIpRange(atts);
00350   }
00352   /**
00353    * DatabasesParser for end of element.
00354    * 
00355    * @param uri name space URI
00356    * @param localName local name
00357    * @param name element raw name
00358    * @exception SAXException if an error occurs
00359    */
00360   public void endElement(String uri, String localName, String name)
00361       throws SAXException
00362   {
00363     // We need information on what configuration are for jmx
00364     if (name.equalsIgnoreCase(ControllerXmlTags.ELT_JMX))
00365     {
00366       try
00367       {
00368         config.setUpJmx();
00369       }
00370       catch (JmxException jmxEx)
00371       {
00372         logger.error(Translate.get("controller.xml.jmx.setup.failed", jmxEx
00373             .getMessage()), jmxEx);
00374       }
00375     }
00376     if (name.equalsIgnoreCase(ControllerXmlTags.ELT_SECURITY))
00377     {
00378       security.setSslConfig(ssl);
00379       ssl = null;
00380       config.setUpSecurity(security);
00381     }
00382     if (name.equalsIgnoreCase(ControllerXmlTags.ELT_RMI_JMX_ADAPTOR))
00383     {
00384       if (ssl != null)
00385       {
00386         config.put(JmxConstants.CONNECTOR_RMI_SSL, ssl);
00387         ssl = null;
00388       }
00389     }
00390     if (name.equalsIgnoreCase(ControllerXmlTags.ELT_CONTROLLER))
00391     {
00392       // Be sure no settings are used for report
00393       if (manager == null)
00394       {
00395         manager = new ReportManager(controller);
00396         manager.setSettings(null);
00397         controller.setReport(manager);
00398       }
00399     }
00400     logger.debug(Translate.get("controller.xml.parsing.end", name));
00401   }
00403   /**
00404    * Configure a <code>ControllerXmlTags.ELT_CLIENT</code> element.
00405    * 
00406    * @param atts the parser attributes
00407    */
00408   private void configureClient(Attributes atts)
00409   {
00410     {
00411       boolean localhost = new Boolean(atts
00412           .getValue(ControllerXmlTags.ATT_ONLY_LOCALHOST)).booleanValue();
00413       boolean allow = new Boolean(atts.getValue(ControllerXmlTags.ATT_ALLOW))
00414           .booleanValue();
00415       security.setAllowClientShutdown(allow);
00416       security.setAllowLocalClientOnly(localhost);
00417     }
00418   }
00420   /**
00421    * Configure a <code>ControllerXmlTags.ELT_CONSOLE</code> element.
00422    * 
00423    * @param atts the parser attributes
00424    */
00425   private void configureConsole(Attributes atts)
00426   {
00427     {
00428       boolean localhost = new Boolean(atts
00429           .getValue(ControllerXmlTags.ATT_ONLY_LOCALHOST)).booleanValue();
00430       boolean allow = new Boolean(atts.getValue(ControllerXmlTags.ATT_ALLOW))
00431           .booleanValue();
00432       security.setAllowConsoleShutdown(allow);
00433       security.setAllowLocalConsoleOnly(localhost);
00434     }
00435   }
00437   /**
00438    * Configure a <code>ControllerXmlTags.ELT_CONTROLLER</code> element.
00439    * 
00440    * @param atts the parser attributes
00441    * @throws SAXException if an error occurs
00442    */
00443   private void configureController(Attributes atts) throws SAXException
00444   {
00445     try
00446     {
00447       String controllerPort = atts
00448           .getValue(ControllerXmlTags.ATT_CONTROLLER_PORT);
00449       if (config.get(ControllerFactory.CONTROLLER_PORT).equals(
00450           String.valueOf(ControllerConstants.DEFAULT_PORT)))
00451       {
00452         config.put(ControllerFactory.CONTROLLER_PORT, controllerPort);
00453         config.getController().setPortNumber(Integer.parseInt(controllerPort));
00454       }
00456       controllerIP = atts.getValue(ControllerXmlTags.ATT_CONTROLLER_IP);
00457       if (config.get(ControllerFactory.CONTROLLER_IP).equals(
00458           String.valueOf(ControllerConstants.DEFAULT_IP)))
00459       {
00460         config.put(ControllerFactory.CONTROLLER_IP, controllerIP);
00461         config.getController().setIPAddress(controllerIP);
00462       }
00464       String controllerBacklog = atts
00465           .getValue(ControllerXmlTags.ATT_backlogSize);
00466       if (config.get(ControllerFactory.CONTROLLER_BACKLOG).equals(
00467           String.valueOf(ControllerConstants.DEFAULT_BACKLOG_SIZE)))
00468       {
00469         config.put(ControllerFactory.CONTROLLER_BACKLOG, controllerBacklog);
00470         config.getController().setBacklogSize(
00471             Integer.parseInt(controllerBacklog));
00472       }
00473     }
00474     catch (Exception e)
00475     {
00476       throw new SAXException(e.getMessage());
00477     }
00478   }
00480   /**
00481    * Configure a <code>ControllerXmlTags.ELT_HTTP_JMX_ADAPTOR</code> element.
00482    * 
00483    * @param atts the parser attributes
00484    */
00485   private void configureHttpJmxAdaptor(Attributes atts)
00486   {
00487     String adaptorPort = atts.getValue(ControllerXmlTags.ATT_JMX_ADAPTOR_PORT);
00488     if (config.get(JmxConstants.ADAPTOR_TYPE_HTTP) == null)
00489       config.put(JmxConstants.ADAPTOR_TYPE_HTTP, String.valueOf(adaptorPort));
00490   }
00492   /**
00493    * Configure a <code>ControllerXmlTags.ELT_IPRANGE</code> element.
00494    * 
00495    * @param atts the parser attributes
00496    */
00497   private void configureIpRange(Attributes atts)
00498   {
00499     {
00500       String iprange = atts.getValue(ControllerXmlTags.ATT_VALUE);
00501       try
00502       {
00503         security.addToSecureList(iprange, parseAccept);
00504       }
00505       catch (Exception e)
00506       {
00507         logger.warn(Translate.get("controller.configure.invalid.iprange",
00508             iprange));
00509       }
00510     }
00511   }
00513   /**
00514    * Configure a <code>ControllerXmlTags.ELT_REPORT</code> element.
00515    * 
00516    * @param atts the parser attributes
00517    */
00518   private void configureReport(Attributes atts)
00519   {
00520     config.put(ControllerXmlTags.ATT_REPORT_ENABLED, "true");
00521     config.put(ControllerXmlTags.ATT_REPORT_HIDE_SENSITIVE_DATA, atts
00522         .getValue(ControllerXmlTags.ATT_REPORT_HIDE_SENSITIVE_DATA));
00523     config.put(ControllerXmlTags.ATT_REPORT_GENERATE_ON_SHUTDOWN, atts
00524         .getValue(ControllerXmlTags.ATT_REPORT_GENERATE_ON_SHUTDOWN));
00525     config.put(ControllerXmlTags.ATT_REPORT_GENERATE_ON_FATAL, atts
00526         .getValue(ControllerXmlTags.ATT_REPORT_GENERATE_ON_FATAL));
00527     config.put(ControllerXmlTags.ATT_REPORT_DELETE_ON_SHUTDOWN, atts
00528         .getValue(ControllerXmlTags.ATT_REPORT_DELETE_ON_SHUTDOWN));
00529     String reportLocation = atts
00530         .getValue(ControllerXmlTags.ATT_REPORT_REPORT_LOCATION);
00531     // Default to CJDBC_HOME/log
00532     if ((reportLocation == null) || reportLocation.equals(""))
00533     {
00534       String defaultDir = System.getProperty("cjdbc.home");
00535       if (defaultDir == null)
00536       {
00537         reportLocation = ".";
00538       }
00539       else
00540       {
00541         reportLocation = defaultDir + File.separator
00542             + ControllerConstants.DEFAULT_LOG_DIR_NAME;
00543       }
00544     }
00545     config.put(ControllerXmlTags.ATT_REPORT_REPORT_LOCATION, reportLocation);
00547     config.put(ControllerXmlTags.ATT_REPORT_ENABLE_FILE_LOGGING, atts
00548         .getValue(ControllerXmlTags.ATT_REPORT_ENABLE_FILE_LOGGING));
00549     manager = new ReportManager(controller);
00550     manager.setSettings(config);
00551     controller.setReport(manager);
00552   }
00554   /**
00555    * Configure a <code>ControllerXmlTags.ELT_RMI_JMX_ADAPTOR</code> element.
00556    * 
00557    * @param atts the parser attributes
00558    */
00559   private void configureRmiJmxAdaptor(Attributes atts)
00560   {
00561     String adaptorPort = atts.getValue(ControllerXmlTags.ATT_JMX_ADAPTOR_PORT);
00562     if (config.get(JmxConstants.ADAPTOR_TYPE_RMI) == null)
00563       config.put(JmxConstants.ADAPTOR_TYPE_RMI, String.valueOf(adaptorPort));
00565     String username = atts
00566         .getValue(ControllerXmlTags.ATT_JMX_CONNECTOR_USERNAME);
00567     String password = atts
00568         .getValue(ControllerXmlTags.ATT_JMX_CONNECTOR_PASSWORD);
00569     if (username != null)
00570       config.put(JmxConstants.CONNECTOR_AUTH_USERNAME, username);
00571     if (password != null)
00572       config.put(JmxConstants.CONNECTOR_AUTH_PASSWORD, password);
00573   }
00575   /**
00576    * Configure a <code>ControllerXmlTags.ELT_SSL</code> element.
00577    * 
00578    * @param atts the parser attributes
00579    */
00580   private void configureSSL(Attributes atts)
00581   {
00582     ssl = new SSLConfiguration();
00583     ssl
00584         .setKeyStore(new File(atts.getValue(ControllerXmlTags.ATT_SSL_KEYSTORE)));
00585     ssl.setKeyStorePassword(atts
00586         .getValue(ControllerXmlTags.ATT_SSL_KEYSTORE_PASSWORD));
00587     ssl.setKeyStoreKeyPassword(atts
00588         .getValue(ControllerXmlTags.ATT_SSL_KEYSTORE_KEYPASSWORD));
00589     ssl.setClientAuthenticationRequired("true".equals(atts
00590         .getValue(ControllerXmlTags.ATT_SSL_NEED_CLIENT_AUTH)));
00591     ssl.setTrustStore(new File(atts
00592         .getValue(ControllerXmlTags.ATT_SSL_TRUSTSTORE)));
00593     ssl.setTrustStorePassword(atts
00594         .getValue(ControllerXmlTags.ATT_SSL_TRUSTSTORE_PASSWORD));
00595   }
00597   /**
00598    * Configure a <code>ControllerXmlTags.ELT_VIRTUAL_DATABASE</code> element.
00599    * 
00600    * @param atts the parser attributes
00601    * @throws SAXException if an error occurs
00602    */
00603   private void configureVirtualDatabase(Attributes atts) throws SAXException
00604   {
00605     String checkPoint = atts
00606         .getValue(ControllerXmlTags.ATT_VIRTUAL_DATABASE_CHECKPOINT);
00607     String virtualName = atts
00608         .getValue(ControllerXmlTags.ATT_VIRTUAL_DATABASE_NAME);
00609     String file = atts.getValue(ControllerXmlTags.ATT_VIRTUAL_DATABASE_FILE);
00611     // Try to find the file on the path (usually config directory) if no file
00612     // separator is found
00613     if (file.indexOf(File.separator) == -1)
00614     {
00615       try
00616       {
00617         URL url = this.getClass().getResource("/" + file);
00618         file = url.getFile();
00619"controller.configure.using", file));
00620       }
00621       catch (Exception e)
00622       {
00623         throw new SAXException(Translate.get(
00624             "controller.configure.file.not.found", file));
00625       }
00626     }
00628     file = URLDecoder.decode(file);
00630     File checkExist = new File(file);
00631     if (checkExist.exists() == false)
00632       throw new SAXException(Translate.get(
00633           "controller.configure.file.not.found", file));
00635     int autoLoad = -1;
00636     String autoLoadString = atts
00637         .getValue(ControllerXmlTags.ATT_VIRTUAL_DATABASE_AUTO_ENABLE);
00639     if (autoLoadString.equalsIgnoreCase(ControllerXmlTags.VAL_true))
00640       autoLoad = ControllerConstants.AUTO_ENABLE_TRUE;
00641     else if (autoLoadString.equalsIgnoreCase(ControllerXmlTags.VAL_force))
00642       autoLoad = ControllerConstants.AUTO_ENABLE_FORCE;
00643     else
00644       autoLoad = ControllerConstants.AUTO_ENABLE_FALSE;
00646"controller.configure.setup", new String[]{
00647         virtualName, String.valueOf(autoLoad), checkPoint}));
00648     config.setUpVirtualDatabase(file, virtualName, autoLoad, checkPoint);
00649   }
00651 }

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