
00001 00025 package; 00026 00027 import; 00028 import; 00029 import; 00030 import; 00031 import; 00032 import; 00033 import; 00034 00044 public class CJDBCInputStream 00045 { 00046 private ObjectInputStream input; 00047 private long bytesRead; 00048 private Socket socket; 00049 private boolean useCompression = false; 00050 private long speed = -1; 00051 private long dateCreated; 00052 00061 public CJDBCInputStream(InputStream in) throws IOException, 00062 StreamCorruptedException 00063 { 00064 input = new ObjectInputStream(new BufferedInputStream(in)); 00065 bytesRead = 0; 00066 } 00067 00075 public CJDBCInputStream(Socket socket) throws IOException, 00076 StreamCorruptedException 00077 { 00078 this(socket.getInputStream()); 00079 this.socket = socket; 00080 dateCreated = System.currentTimeMillis(); 00081 } 00082 00090 public Object readObject() throws ClassNotFoundException, IOException, 00091 OptionalDataException 00092 { 00093 if (useCompression) 00094 { 00095 int len = input.readInt(); 00096 byte[] read = new byte[len]; 00097 input.readFully(read); 00098 00099 bytesRead += len + 4; 00100 // we read an integer in the pipe for the size of the array. 00101 return CJDBCStream.decompressObject(read); 00102 } 00103 else 00104 { 00105 // Use the unshared version to prevent the stream to keep references on 00106 // objects. This prevents objects sent through the channel from being 00107 // garbage collected and results in memory leaks. 00108 return input.readUnshared(); 00109 } 00110 } 00111 00116 public void close() throws IOException 00117 { 00118 input.close(); 00119 } 00120 00126 public boolean readBoolean() throws IOException 00127 { 00128 bytesRead++; 00129 return input.readBoolean(); 00130 } 00131 00137 public int readInt() throws IOException 00138 { 00139 bytesRead += 4; 00140 return input.readInt(); 00141 } 00142 00148 public long readLong() throws IOException 00149 { 00150 bytesRead += 8; 00151 return input.readLong(); 00152 } 00153 00159 public String readUTF() throws IOException 00160 { 00161 try 00162 { 00163 Object read = this.readObject(); 00164 if (read == null) 00165 return null; 00166 bytesRead += ((String) read).length(); 00167 return (String) read; 00168 } 00169 catch (ClassNotFoundException e) 00170 { 00171 // It's a string so that should never happen ... 00172 // but just to be sure 00173 throw new IOException(e.getMessage()); 00174 } 00175 } 00176 00182 public int available() throws IOException 00183 { 00184 return input.available(); 00185 } 00186 00190 public long getBytesRead() 00191 { 00192 return bytesRead; 00193 } 00194 00198 public Socket getSocket() 00199 { 00200 return socket; 00201 } 00202 00206 public boolean getUseCompression() 00207 { 00208 return useCompression; 00209 } 00210 00214 public long getDateCreated() 00215 { 00216 return dateCreated; 00217 } 00218 00222 public long getSpeed() 00223 { 00224 return speed; 00225 } 00226 }

CJDBCversion1.0.4に対してTue Oct 12 15:15:58 2004に生成されました。 doxygen 1.3.8