
00001 00025 package org.objectweb.cjdbc.console.jmx; 00026 00027 import; 00028 import; 00029 import; 00030 import; 00031 import; 00032 import java.util.ArrayList; 00033 00034 import; 00035 00036 import org.objectweb.cjdbc.common.jmx.JmxConstants; 00037 import org.objectweb.cjdbc.common.jmx.JmxException; 00038 00046 public class ControllerJmxClient extends JmxClient 00047 { 00048 00052 public void connect(String host, String port, Object credentials) 00053 throws JmxException 00054 { 00055 mbean = JmxConstants.getControllerObjectName(); 00056 super.connect(host, port, credentials); 00057 // validate MBean 00058 if (!this.validateTarget()) 00059 { 00060 throw new JmxException("Invalid MBean target"); 00061 } 00062 } 00063 00067 public boolean isDistributedVirtualDatabase(String databaseName) 00068 throws JmxException, MBeanException 00069 { 00070 return ((Boolean) invoke("isDistributedVirtualDatabase", 00071 new Object[]{databaseName}, new String[]{"java.lang.String"})) 00072 .booleanValue(); 00073 } 00074 00080 public void connect(String controllerName) throws JmxException 00081 { 00082 int index = controllerName.indexOf(":"); 00083 String ip = controllerName.substring(0, index); 00084 String port = controllerName.substring(index + 1); 00085 this.connect(ip, port, credentials); 00086 } 00087 00095 public String getInfo() throws JmxException, MBeanException 00096 { 00097 StringBuffer info = new StringBuffer(); 00098 info.append((String) (invoke("viewConfiguration", null))); 00099 info.append((String) (invoke("viewDatabases", null))); 00100 return info.toString(); 00101 } 00102 00110 public String getXml() throws JmxException, MBeanException 00111 { 00112 return (String) (invoke("viewInfo", null, null)); 00113 } 00114 00122 public String viewDatabasesXml() throws JmxException, MBeanException 00123 { 00124 return (String) (invoke("viewDatabasesXml", null, null)); 00125 } 00126 00135 public String viewDatabaseXml(String databaseName) throws JmxException, 00136 MBeanException 00137 { 00138 return (String) (invoke("viewDatabaseXml", new Object[]{databaseName}, 00139 new String[]{"java.lang.String"})); 00140 } 00141 00148 public void refreshLogConfiguration() throws JmxException, MBeanException 00149 { 00150 invoke("refreshLogConfiguration", null, null); 00151 00152 } 00153 00162 public void addVirtualDatabase(String xmlConfig) throws JmxException, 00163 MBeanException 00164 { 00165 invoke("addVirtualDatabases", new Object[]{xmlConfig}, 00166 new String[]{"java.lang.String"}); 00167 } 00168 00172 private void addDriver(byte[] bytes) throws JmxException, MBeanException 00173 { 00174 invoke("addDriver", new Object[]{bytes}, new String[]{"[B"}); 00175 } 00176 00186 public void addDriver(String filename) throws FileNotFoundException, 00187 IOException, JmxException, MBeanException 00188 { 00189 File file; 00190 FileInputStream fileInput = null; 00191 file = new File(filename); 00192 fileInput = new FileInputStream(file); 00193 00194 // Read the file into an array of bytes 00195 long size = file.length(); 00196 if (size > Integer.MAX_VALUE) 00197 { 00198 // File is too large 00199 throw new IOException("File is too large"); 00200 } 00201 byte[] bytes = new byte[(int) size]; 00202 00203 int nb =; 00204 fileInput.close(); 00205 if (nb != size) 00206 { 00207 throw new IOException("Failed to read the file"); 00208 } 00209 addDriver(bytes); 00210 } 00211 00216 public void addVirtualDatabases(String xml, String virtualName, 00217 boolean autoEnable, String checkPoint) throws JmxException, 00218 MBeanException 00219 { 00220 00221 invoke("addVirtualDatabase", new Object[]{xml, virtualName, 00222 new Boolean(autoEnable), checkPoint}, new String[]{"java.lang.String", 00223 "java.lang.String", "boolean", "java.lang.String"}); 00224 } 00225 00227 public void addVirtualDatabases(String xml) throws JmxException, 00228 MBeanException 00229 { 00230 invoke("addVirtualDatabases", new Object[]{xml}, 00231 new String[]{"java.lang.String"}); 00232 } 00233 00237 public ArrayList listVirtualDatabases() throws JmxException, MBeanException 00238 { 00239 return (ArrayList) invoke("listVirtualDatabases", null, null); 00240 } 00241 00245 public ArrayList listBackends(String virtualDbName) throws JmxException, 00246 MBeanException 00247 { 00248 return (ArrayList) invoke("listBackends", new Object[]{virtualDbName}, 00249 new String[]{"java.lang.String"}); 00250 } 00251 00255 public String loadXML(String filename) throws IOException, JmxException, 00256 MBeanException 00257 { 00258 FileInputStream fis = new FileInputStream(filename); 00259 DataInputStream dis = new DataInputStream(fis); 00260 StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer(); 00261 String concat = ""; 00262 while ((concat = DataInputStream.readUTF(dis)) != null) 00263 sb.append(concat); 00264 return (String) invoke("loadXML", new Object[]{sb.toString()}, 00265 new String[]{"java.lang.String"}); 00266 } 00267 00272 public String loadXmlConfiguration(String filename, String virtualName, 00273 boolean autoEnable, String checkPoint) throws Exception 00274 { 00275 FileInputStream fis = new FileInputStream(filename); 00276 DataInputStream dis = new DataInputStream(fis); 00277 StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer(); 00278 String concat = ""; 00279 while ((concat = DataInputStream.readUTF(dis)) != null) 00280 sb.append(concat); 00281 return (String) invoke("loadXML", new Object[]{sb.toString(), virtualName, 00282 new Boolean(autoEnable), checkPoint}, new String[]{"java.lang.String", 00283 "java.lang.String", "boolean", "java.lang.String"}); 00284 } 00285 00289 public String removeVirtualDatabase(String virtualname) throws Exception 00290 { 00291 return (String) invoke("removeVirtualDatabase", new Object[]{virtualname}, 00292 new String[]{"java.lang.String"}); 00293 } 00294 00298 public String saveConfiguration() throws Exception 00299 { 00300 return (String) server.invoke(mbean, "saveConfiguration", null, null); 00301 } 00302 00306 public void shutdown(int level) throws Exception 00307 { 00308 invoke("shutdown", new Object[]{new Integer(level)}, new String[]{"int"}); 00309 } 00310 00314 public void shutdownDatabase(String databaseName, int level) 00315 throws JmxException, MBeanException 00316 { 00317 invoke("shutdownDatabase", new Object[]{databaseName, new Integer(level)}, 00318 new String[]{"java.lang.String", "int"}); 00319 } 00320 00324 public String generateReport() throws JmxException, MBeanException 00325 { 00326 return (String) invoke("generateReport", null, null); 00327 } 00328 00332 public String generateLogReport() throws JmxException, MBeanException 00333 { 00334 return (String) invoke("generateLogReport", null, null); 00335 } 00336 00340 public ArrayList listDatabaseClients(String virtualDbName) 00341 throws JmxException, MBeanException 00342 { 00343 return (ArrayList) invoke("listDatabaseClients", 00344 new Object[]{virtualDbName}, new String[]{"java.lang.String"}); 00345 } 00346 00350 public boolean isCacheEnableForDatabase(String virtualDbName) 00351 throws JmxException, MBeanException 00352 { 00353 return ((Boolean) invoke("isCacheEnableForDatabase", 00354 new Object[]{virtualDbName}, new String[]{"java.lang.String"})) 00355 .booleanValue(); 00356 } 00357 00361 public File[] listAvailableDumpFiles() throws JmxException, MBeanException 00362 { 00363 return (File[]) invoke("listAvailableDumpFiles", null, null); 00364 } 00365 00369 public boolean removeDumpFile(File dumpFile) throws JmxException, 00370 MBeanException 00371 { 00372 return ((Boolean) invoke("removeDumpFile", new Object[]{dumpFile}, 00373 new String[]{""})).booleanValue(); 00374 } 00375 00379 public String viewLogConfigurationFile() throws JmxException, MBeanException 00380 { 00381 return (String) invoke("viewLogConfigurationFile", null, null); 00382 } 00383 00387 public void updateLogConfigurationFile(String newConfiguration) 00388 throws JmxException, MBeanException 00389 { 00390 invoke("updateLogConfigurationFile", new Object[]{newConfiguration}, 00391 new String[]{"java.lang.String"}); 00392 00393 } 00394 00395 }

CJDBCversion1.0.4に対してTue Oct 12 15:15:59 2004に生成されました。 doxygen 1.3.8