
00001 00025 package org.objectweb.cjdbc.controller.core; 00026 00027 import; 00028 import; 00029 import; 00030 import; 00031 import; 00032 import; 00033 import; 00034 import; 00035 import; 00036 import; 00037 import; 00038 import; 00039 import; 00040 import; 00041 import; 00042 import; 00043 import java.text.SimpleDateFormat; 00044 import java.util.ArrayList; 00045 import java.util.Date; 00046 import java.util.Enumeration; 00047 import java.util.Hashtable; 00048 import java.util.Iterator; 00049 import java.util.Locale; 00050 import java.util.ResourceBundle; 00051 import; 00052 import; 00053 00054 import; 00055 import; 00056 import javax.xml.transform.Transformer; 00057 import javax.xml.transform.TransformerFactory; 00058 import; 00059 import; 00060 00061 import org.objectweb.cjdbc.common.exceptions.ControllerException; 00062 import org.objectweb.cjdbc.common.exceptions.ExceptionTypes; 00063 import org.objectweb.cjdbc.common.exceptions.VirtualDatabaseException; 00064 import org.objectweb.cjdbc.common.i18n.Translate; 00065 import org.objectweb.cjdbc.common.jmx.JmxConstants; 00066 import org.objectweb.cjdbc.common.jmx.JmxException; 00067 import org.objectweb.cjdbc.common.jmx.mbeans.ControllerMBean; 00068 import org.objectweb.cjdbc.common.jmx.notifications.CjdbcNotificationList; 00069 import org.objectweb.cjdbc.common.log.LogManager; 00070 import org.objectweb.cjdbc.common.log.Trace; 00071 import org.objectweb.cjdbc.common.util.Constants; 00072 import org.objectweb.cjdbc.common.util.ZipMe; 00073 import org.objectweb.cjdbc.common.xml.ControllerXmlTags; 00074 import org.objectweb.cjdbc.common.xml.XmlComponent; 00075 import; 00076 import org.objectweb.cjdbc.controller.core.shutdown.ControllerShutdownThread; 00077 import org.objectweb.cjdbc.controller.jmx.AbstractStandardMBean; 00078 import org.objectweb.cjdbc.controller.jmx.MBeanServerManager; 00079 import org.objectweb.cjdbc.controller.jmx.RmiConnector; 00080 import org.objectweb.cjdbc.controller.virtualdatabase.VirtualDatabase; 00081 import org.objectweb.cjdbc.controller.xml.DatabasesParser; 00082 00093 public class Controller extends AbstractStandardMBean 00094 implements 00095 ControllerMBean, 00096 XmlComponent 00097 { 00098 00100 private int portNumber; 00101 private int backlogSize; 00102 00108 private String ipAddress; 00109 00111 private ControllerServerThread connectionThread; 00112 00114 static Trace logger = Trace 00115 .getLogger("org.objectweb.cjdbc.controller.core.Controller"); 00116 00118 private Hashtable virtualDatabases; 00119 00121 private Hashtable configuration; 00122 00124 private ControllerSecurityManager security; 00125 00127 private ReportManager report; 00128 00130 private TransformerFactory tFactory; 00131 private Transformer infoTransformer; 00132 private boolean isShuttingDown; 00133 00134 /* Constructor(s) */ 00135 00146 public Controller(String ipAddress, int port, int backlog) 00147 throws NotCompliantMBeanException, JmxException 00148 { 00149 super(ControllerMBean.class); 00150 virtualDatabases = new Hashtable(); 00151 this.ipAddress = ipAddress; 00152 this.portNumber = port; 00153 this.backlogSize = backlog; 00154 ObjectName name = JmxConstants.getControllerObjectName(); 00155 MBeanServerManager.registerMBean(this, name); 00156 } 00157 00161 public String getAssociatedString() 00162 { 00163 return "controller"; 00164 } 00165 00166 /* Virtual databases management */ 00167 00173 public void addVirtualDatabases(String xml, String virtualName, 00174 int autoLoad, String checkPoint) throws ControllerException 00175 { 00176 if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) 00177 logger 00178 .debug(Translate.get("controller.add.virtualdatabase", virtualName)); 00179 if (virtualName != null && this.hasVirtualDatabase(virtualName)) 00180 { 00181 throw new ControllerException(Translate 00182 .get("controller.add.virtualdatabase.already.used")); 00183 } 00184 try 00185 { 00186 DatabasesParser parser = new DatabasesParser(this, virtualName, 00187 autoLoad, checkPoint); 00188 parser.readXML(xml, true); 00189 } 00190 catch (Exception e) 00191 { 00192 String msg = Translate.get("controller.add.virtualdatabase.failed", e); 00193 logger.warn(msg, e); 00194 throw new ControllerException(msg); 00195 } 00196 } 00197 00203 public void addVirtualDatabases(String xml) throws ControllerException 00204 { 00205 if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) 00206 { 00207 logger.debug(Translate.get("controller.loading.virtualdatabase")); 00208 } 00209 this.addVirtualDatabases(xml, null, 00210 ControllerConstants.AUTO_ENABLE_BACKEND, 00211 ControllerConstants.DATABASE_DEFAULT_CHECKPOINT); 00212 } 00213 00220 public void addVirtualDatabase(VirtualDatabase vdb) 00221 throws ControllerException 00222 { 00223 this.addVirtualDatabase(vdb, ControllerConstants.AUTO_ENABLE_BACKEND, 00224 ControllerConstants.DATABASE_DEFAULT_CHECKPOINT); 00225 } 00226 00237 public synchronized void addVirtualDatabase(VirtualDatabase vdb, 00238 int autoLoad, String checkPoint) throws ControllerException 00239 { 00240 // Add the database or retrieve it if it already exists 00241 if (hasVirtualDatabase(vdb.getDatabaseName())) 00242 { 00243 String msg = Translate.get("controller.database.already.exists", vdb 00244 .getDatabaseName()); 00245 logger.warn(msg); 00246 throw new ControllerException(msg); 00247 } 00248 else 00249 { 00250 virtualDatabases.put(vdb.getDatabaseName(), vdb); 00251 00252 // Send notification 00253 if (MBeanServerManager.isJmxEnabled()) 00254 { 00255 Hashtable databases = new Hashtable(); 00256 try 00257 { 00258 databases.put("backends", vdb.getAllBackendNames()); 00259 } 00260 catch (VirtualDatabaseException e) 00261 { 00262 // ignore 00263 } 00264 RmiConnector 00265 .broadcastNotification(this, 00266 CjdbcNotificationList.CONTROLLER_VIRTUALDATABASE_ADDED, 00267 CjdbcNotificationList.NOTIFICATION_LEVEL_INFO, Translate.get( 00268 "notification.virtualdatabase.added", vdb.getName()), 00269 databases); 00270 } 00271 } 00272 00273 // Enable backends with the proper states 00274 try 00275 { 00276 switch (autoLoad) 00277 { 00278 case ControllerConstants.AUTO_ENABLE_TRUE : 00279 vdb.enableAllBackend(checkPoint); 00280 break; 00281 case ControllerConstants.AUTO_ENABLE_FALSE : 00282 break; 00283 case ControllerConstants.AUTO_ENABLE_RESTORE : 00284 vdb.enableAllBackendsFromRecovery(checkPoint); 00285 break; 00286 default : 00287 break; 00288 } 00289 } 00290 catch (VirtualDatabaseException e) 00291 { 00292 throw new ControllerException(e); 00293 } 00294 00295"controller.add.virtualdatabase", vdb 00296 .getDatabaseName())); 00297 if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) 00298 logger.debug(Translate.get("controller.database.enabled", autoLoad)); 00299 } 00300 00304 public String viewInfo() throws Exception 00305 { 00306 return prettyXml(getXmlController()); 00307 } 00308 00312 public String viewConfiguration() throws Exception 00313 { 00314 return applyXsl(getXmlController(), "c-jdbc-controller.xsl"); 00315 } 00316 00320 public String viewDatabases() throws Exception 00321 { 00322 return applyXsl(getXmlVirtualDatabases(), "c-jdbc.xsl"); 00323 } 00324 00328 public String viewDatabasesXml() throws Exception 00329 { 00330 //return 00331 // "<C-JDBCTree>"+getXmlController()+getXmlVirtualDatabases()+"</C-JDBCTree>"; 00332 return prettyXml(getXmlVirtualDatabases()); 00333 } 00334 00341 private String prettyXml(String xml) 00342 { 00343 try 00344 { 00345 return applyXsl(xml, "c-jdbc-pretty.xsl"); 00346 } 00347 catch (RuntimeException e) 00348 { 00349 logger.error(e.getMessage(), e); 00350 return e.getMessage(); 00351 } 00352 catch (Exception e) 00353 { 00354 return e.getMessage(); 00355 } 00356 } 00357 00365 private String applyXsl(String xml, String xsl) 00366 { 00367 try 00368 { 00369 StringWriter result = new StringWriter(); 00370 if (tFactory == null) 00371 tFactory = TransformerFactory.newInstance(); 00372 File infoXsl = internationalizeXsl(new File(this.getClass().getResource( 00373 "/" + xsl).getFile())); 00374 if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) 00375 logger.debug(Translate.get("controller.xml.use.xsl", infoXsl)); 00376 //if(infoTransformer==null) 00377 infoTransformer = tFactory.newTransformer(new StreamSource(infoXsl)); 00378 infoTransformer.transform(new StreamSource(new StringReader(xml)), 00379 new StreamResult(result)); 00380 return result.toString(); 00381 } 00382 catch (Exception e) 00383 { 00384 String msg = Translate.get("controller.xml.transformation.failed", e); 00385 00386 if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) 00387 logger.debug(msg, e); 00388 logger.error(msg); 00389 return msg; 00390 } 00391 } 00392 00393 private File internationalizeXsl(File xsl) throws Exception 00394 { 00395 int point = xsl.getAbsolutePath().lastIndexOf('.'); 00396 String xslPath = xsl.getAbsolutePath(); 00397 xslPath = xslPath.substring(0, point) + "_" + Locale.getDefault() 00398 + xslPath.substring(point); 00399 File i18nXsl = new File(xslPath); 00400 if (i18nXsl.exists() == false) 00401 { 00402 ResourceBundle rb = ResourceBundle.getBundle("c-jdbc-xsl"); 00403 BufferedReader br = new BufferedReader(new FileReader(xsl)); 00404 String xml = ""; 00405 String oi18n = "<i18n>"; 00406 String ci18n = "</i18n>"; 00407 int oi18nl = oi18n.length(); 00408 int ci18nl = oi18nl + 1; 00409 StringBuffer buffer = new StringBuffer(); 00410 String i18n = ""; 00411 while ((xml = br.readLine()) != null) 00412 { 00413 int indexOpen = 0, indexClose = 0; 00414 while ((indexOpen = xml.indexOf(oi18n)) != -1) 00415 { 00416 indexClose = xml.indexOf(ci18n); 00417 i18n = xml.substring(indexOpen + oi18nl, indexClose).trim(); 00418 try 00419 { 00420 i18n = rb.getString(i18n); 00421 } 00422 catch (Exception ignore) 00423 // if the key has no match return the key itself 00424 { 00425 } 00426 xml = xml.substring(0, indexOpen) + i18n 00427 + xml.substring(indexClose + ci18nl); 00428 } 00429 buffer.append(xml + System.getProperty("line.separator")); 00430 } 00431 BufferedWriter bw = new BufferedWriter(new FileWriter(i18nXsl)); 00432 bw.write(buffer.toString()); 00433 bw.flush(); 00434 bw.close(); 00435 } 00436 return i18nXsl; 00437 } 00438 00442 public String removeVirtualDatabase(String virtualname) 00443 throws ControllerException 00444 { 00445 if (hasVirtualDatabase(virtualname)) 00446 { 00447 VirtualDatabase vdb = (VirtualDatabase) virtualDatabases.get(virtualname); 00448 try 00449 { 00450 vdb.disableAllBackend(); 00451 } 00452 catch (VirtualDatabaseException e) 00453 { 00454 throw new ControllerException(e); 00455 } 00456 this.virtualDatabases.remove(virtualname); 00457 00458 // Send notification 00459 if (MBeanServerManager.isJmxEnabled()) 00460 { 00461 Hashtable databases = new Hashtable(); 00462 try 00463 { 00464 databases.put("backends", vdb.getAllBackendNames()); 00465 } 00466 catch (VirtualDatabaseException e) 00467 { 00468 // ignore 00469 } 00470 RmiConnector.broadcastNotification(this, 00471 CjdbcNotificationList.CONTROLLER_VIRTUALDATABASE_REMOVED, 00472 CjdbcNotificationList.NOTIFICATION_LEVEL_INFO, Translate.get( 00473 "notification.virtualdatabase.removed", vdb.getName()), 00474 databases); 00475 } 00476 } 00477 return Translate.get("controller.removeVirtualDatabase.success", 00478 virtualname); 00479 } 00480 00484 public void addDriver(byte[] bytes) throws Exception 00485 { 00486 // Try to find drivers directory in the classpath 00487 File driversDirectory = null; 00488 URL url = Controller.class 00489 .getResource(ControllerConstants.C_JDBC_DRIVER_JAR_FILE); 00490 boolean error = false; 00491 if (url != null) 00492 { 00493 driversDirectory = (new File(url.getFile())).getParentFile(); 00494 error = (driversDirectory == null) || !driversDirectory.exists(); 00495 } 00496 00497 if (error) 00498 { 00499 String msg = Translate.get("controller.driver.dir.not.found"); 00500 logger.error(msg); 00501 throw new ControllerException(msg); 00502 } 00503 00504 // Read the array of bytes to a file 00505 File temp = null; 00506 try 00507 { 00508 temp = File.createTempFile("driver", "zip", driversDirectory); 00509 FileOutputStream output = new FileOutputStream(temp); 00510 output.write(bytes); 00511 output.close(); 00512 } 00513 catch (IOException e) 00514 { 00515 String msg = Translate.get("", e); 00516 logger.error(msg); 00517 throw new ControllerException(msg); 00518 } 00519 00520 // Unzip the file content 00521 try 00522 { 00523 Enumeration entries; 00524 ZipFile zipFile = new ZipFile(temp); 00525 00526 // Read the file 00527 int lenght; 00528 InputStream in; 00529 BufferedOutputStream out; 00530 byte[] buffer = new byte[1024]; 00531 00532 entries = zipFile.entries(); 00533 while (entries.hasMoreElements()) 00534 { 00535 ZipEntry entry = (ZipEntry) entries.nextElement(); 00536 00537 if (entry.isDirectory()) 00538 { 00539 // Create the directory 00540 if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) 00541 logger.debug(Translate.get("controller.add.jar.extract.dir", entry 00542 .getName())); 00543 00544 (new File(driversDirectory, entry.getName())).mkdir(); 00545 continue; 00546 } 00547 00548 // Extract the file 00549 if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) 00550 logger.debug(Translate.get("controller.add.jar.extract.file", entry 00551 .getName())); 00552 00553 in = zipFile.getInputStream(entry); 00554 out = new BufferedOutputStream(new FileOutputStream(driversDirectory 00555 + System.getProperty("file.separator") + entry.getName())); 00556 while ((lenght = >= 0) 00557 out.write(buffer, 0, lenght); 00558 00559 in.close(); 00560 out.close(); 00561 } 00562 00563 zipFile.close(); 00564 temp.delete(); 00565"", 00566 driversDirectory.toString())); 00567 } 00568 catch (IOException e) 00569 { 00570 String msg = Translate.get("controller.driver.extract.failed", e); 00571 logger.error(msg); 00572 throw new ControllerException(msg); 00573 } 00574 } 00575 00583 public VirtualDatabase getVirtualDatabase(String virtualDatabaseName) 00584 { 00585 return (VirtualDatabase) virtualDatabases.get(virtualDatabaseName); 00586 } 00587 00588 /* Controller information */ 00589 00593 public void refreshLogConfiguration() throws ControllerException 00594 { 00595 try 00596 { 00597 LogManager.configure(this.getClass().getResource( 00598 ControllerConstants.LOG4J_RESOURCE).getFile()); 00599 if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) 00600"controller.refresh.log.success")); 00601 } 00602 catch (Exception e) 00603 { 00604 throw new ControllerException(Translate 00605 .get("controller.logconfigfile.not.found")); 00606 } 00607 } 00608 00612 public String getVersionNumber() 00613 { 00614 return Constants.VERSION; 00615 } 00616 00620 public String getXml() 00621 { 00622 try 00623 { 00624 return prettyXml(getXmlController()); 00625 } 00626 catch (Exception e) 00627 { 00628 logger.error(Translate.get("controller.xml.transformation.failed", e)); 00629 return e.getMessage(); 00630 } 00631 } 00632 00639 public String getXmlController() 00640 { 00641 StringBuffer info = new StringBuffer(); 00642 info.append("<C-JDBC-CONTROLLER>"); 00643 info.append("<" + ControllerXmlTags.ELT_CONTROLLER + " " 00644 + ControllerXmlTags.ATT_CONTROLLER_IP + "=\"" + this.getIPAddress() 00645 + "\" " + ControllerXmlTags.ATT_CONTROLLER_PORT + "=\"" 00646 + this.getPortNumber() + "\" " + ">"); 00647 00648 info.append("<" + ControllerXmlTags.ELT_INTERNATIONALIZATION + " " 00649 + ControllerXmlTags.ATT_LANGUAGE + "=\"" 00650 + Locale.getDefault().getLanguage() + "\"/>"); 00651 00652 if (report.isReportEnabled()) 00653 { 00654 info.append("<" + ControllerXmlTags.ELT_REPORT + " " 00655 + ControllerXmlTags.ATT_REPORT_ENABLE_FILE_LOGGING + "=\"" 00656 + report.isEnableFileLogging() + "\" " 00657 + ControllerXmlTags.ATT_REPORT_HIDE_SENSITIVE_DATA + "=\"" 00658 + report.isHideSensitiveData() + "\" " 00659 + ControllerXmlTags.ATT_REPORT_GENERATE_ON_FATAL + "=\"" 00660 + report.isGenerateOnFatal() + "\" " 00661 + ControllerXmlTags.ATT_REPORT_GENERATE_ON_SHUTDOWN + "=\"" 00662 + report.isGenerateOnShutdown() + "\" " 00663 + ControllerXmlTags.ATT_REPORT_REPORT_LOCATION + "=\"" 00664 + report.getReportLocation() + "\" />"); 00665 } 00666 00667 if (getJmxEnable()) 00668 { 00669 info.append("<" + ControllerXmlTags.ELT_JMX + ">"); 00670 if (configuration.containsKey(JmxConstants.ADAPTOR_TYPE_HTTP)) 00671 { 00672 info.append("<" + ControllerXmlTags.ELT_HTTP_JMX_ADAPTOR + " " 00673 + ControllerXmlTags.ATT_JMX_ADAPTOR_PORT + "=\"" 00674 + configuration.get(JmxConstants.ADAPTOR_TYPE_HTTP) + "\" />"); 00675 } 00676 if (configuration.containsKey(JmxConstants.ADAPTOR_TYPE_RMI)) 00677 { 00678 info.append("<" + ControllerXmlTags.ELT_RMI_JMX_ADAPTOR + " " 00679 + ControllerXmlTags.ATT_JMX_ADAPTOR_PORT + "=\"" 00680 + configuration.get(JmxConstants.ADAPTOR_TYPE_RMI) + "\" />"); 00681 } 00682 00683 info.append("</" + ControllerXmlTags.ELT_JMX + ">"); 00684 } 00685 00686 if (this.isSecurityEnabled()) 00687 info.append(this.getSecurity().getXml()); 00688 info.append("</" + ControllerXmlTags.ELT_CONTROLLER + ">"); 00689 info.append("</C-JDBC-CONTROLLER>"); 00690 return info.toString(); 00691 } 00692 00698 public String getXmlVirtualDatabases() 00699 { 00700 try 00701 { 00702 StringBuffer info = new StringBuffer(); 00703 info.append("<C-JDBC>"); 00704 ArrayList virtualDatabases = this.getVirtualDatabases(); 00705 for (int i = 0, size = virtualDatabases.size(); i < size; i++) 00706 info.append(((VirtualDatabase) virtualDatabases.get(i)).getXml()); 00707 info.append("</C-JDBC>"); 00708 return info.toString(); 00709 } 00710 catch (Exception e) 00711 { 00712 logger.error(e.getMessage(), e); 00713 return e.getMessage(); 00714 } 00715 } 00716 00722 public ControllerServerThread getConnectionThread() 00723 { 00724 return connectionThread; 00725 } 00726 00732 public void shutdown() throws ControllerException 00733 { 00734 this.shutdown(Constants.DEFAULT_SHUTDOWN_MODE); 00735 } 00736 00740 public void shutdown(int level) throws ControllerException 00741 { 00742 this.shutdown(level, true); 00743 } 00744 00749 public void shutdownDatabase(String databaseName, int level) 00750 throws ControllerException 00751 { 00752 VirtualDatabase database = this.getVirtualDatabase(databaseName); 00753 if (database != null) 00754 { 00755 virtualDatabases.remove(databaseName); 00756 if (getJmxEnable() == true) 00757 { 00758 try 00759 { 00760 MBeanServerManager.unregister(JmxConstants 00761 .getVirtualDbObjectName(databaseName)); 00762 } 00763 catch (Exception jmxException) 00764 { 00765 logger.error(Translate.get("jmx.shutdown.virtual.database.failed")); 00766 } 00767 } 00768 00769 // Send notification, if it fails after we're not in a coherent state 00770 // anymore 00771 if (MBeanServerManager.isJmxEnabled()) 00772 { 00773 Hashtable databases = new Hashtable(); 00774 try 00775 { 00776 databases.put("backends", database.getAllBackendNames()); 00777 } 00778 catch (VirtualDatabaseException e) 00779 { 00780 // ignore 00781 } 00782 RmiConnector.broadcastNotification(this, 00783 CjdbcNotificationList.CONTROLLER_VIRTUALDATABASE_REMOVED, 00784 CjdbcNotificationList.NOTIFICATION_LEVEL_INFO, Translate.get( 00785 "notification.virtualdatabase.removed", database.getName()), 00786 databases); 00787 } 00788 00789 database.shutdown(level); 00790 00791"controller.shutdown.remove", databaseName)); 00792 } 00793 } 00794 00798 public void shutdown(int level, boolean systemExit) 00799 throws ControllerException 00800 { 00801 if (isShuttingDown) 00802 { 00803"controller.already.shutting.down", this 00804 .getName())); 00805 return; 00806 } 00807 isShuttingDown = true; 00808 00809 if (isSecurityEnabled() && !security.getAllowConsoleShutdown()) 00810 throw new ControllerException(Translate 00811 .get("controller.shutdown.refused")); 00812 00813 ControllerShutdownThread shutdown = new ControllerShutdownThread(this, 00814 level); 00815 shutdown.setSystemExit(systemExit); 00816 Thread thread = new Thread(shutdown.getShutdownGroup(), shutdown, 00817 "Controller Shutdown Thread"); 00818 thread.start(); 00819 00820 if (report != null && report.isGenerateOnShutdown()) 00821 { 00822 new ReportManager(this).generate(); 00823"", report 00824 .getReportLocation() 00825 + File.separator + ControllerConstants.REPORT_FILE)); 00826 } 00827 } 00828 00836 public String saveConfiguration() throws VirtualDatabaseException 00837 { 00838 String msg = Translate.get(""); 00839 try 00840 { 00841 String configurationFile = ControllerConstants 00842 .getSaveFile(new SimpleDateFormat("EEE, MMM d, yy") 00843 .format(new Date())); 00844 DataOutputStream dos = new DataOutputStream(new BufferedOutputStream( 00845 new FileOutputStream(configurationFile))); 00846 StringBuffer xml = new StringBuffer(); 00847 xml.append(prettyXml(getXmlVirtualDatabases().toString())); 00848 dos.write(xml.toString().getBytes()); 00849 dos.close(); 00850 } 00851 catch (Exception e) 00852 { 00853 msg = Translate.get("", e); 00854 logger.error(msg); 00855 } 00856 return msg; 00857 } 00858 00866 public boolean hasVirtualDatabase(String name) 00867 { 00868 return virtualDatabases.containsKey(name); 00869 } 00870 00871 /* main() method */ 00872 00900 public static void main(String args[]) throws Exception 00901 { 00902; 00903 00904 System.setProperty("", 00905 org.objectweb.cjdbc.controller.jmx.MBeanServerBuilder.class.getName()); 00906 00907 ControllerFactory conf = new ControllerFactory(args); 00908 Controller controller = conf.getController(); 00909 if (controller != null) 00910 controller.launch(); 00911 else 00912 throw new Exception(Translate.get("controller.configure.failed")); 00913 } 00914 00920 public void endOfController(Exception fatal) 00921 { 00922 logger.fatal(Translate.get("fatal.error")); 00923 if (report.isGenerateOnFatal()) 00924 { 00925 new ReportManager(this, fatal).generate(); 00926"", report 00927 .getReportLocation() 00928 + File.separator + ControllerConstants.REPORT_FILE)); 00929 } 00930 Runtime.getRuntime().exit(1); 00931 } 00932 00937 public void launch() 00938 { 00939 connectionThread = new ControllerServerThread(this); 00940 connectionThread.start(); 00941 00942 SimpleDateFormat formatter = new SimpleDateFormat( 00943 "yyyy.MM.dd ww 'at' hh:mm:ss a zzz"); 00944 Date day = new Date(); 00945 String date = formatter.format(day); 00946"", date)); 00947"controller.ready", getName())); 00948 } 00949 00950 // Attributes 00951 00957 public String getName() 00958 { 00959 return ipAddress + ":" + portNumber; 00960 } 00961 00962 // Operations 00963 00978 public String loadXmlConfiguration(String filename, String virtualName, 00979 int autoLoad, String checkPoint) throws Exception 00980 { 00981 try 00982 { 00983 filename = filename.trim(); 00984 FileReader fileReader; 00985 try 00986 { 00987 fileReader = new FileReader(filename); 00988 } 00989 catch (FileNotFoundException fnf) 00990 { 00991 return Translate.get("controller.file.not.found", filename); 00992 } 00993 00994 // Read the file 00995 BufferedReader in = new BufferedReader(fileReader); 00996 StringBuffer xml = new StringBuffer(); 00997 String line; 00998 do 00999 { 01000 line = in.readLine(); 01001 if (line != null) 01002 xml.append(line); 01003 } 01004 while (line != null); 01005 01006 // Send it to the controller 01007 addVirtualDatabases(xml.toString(), virtualName, autoLoad, checkPoint); 01008 return Translate.get("controller.file.send", filename); 01009 } 01010 catch (Exception e) 01011 { 01012 logger.error(Translate.get("controller.loadXml.failed", e), e); 01013 throw new ControllerException(Translate.get("controller.loadXml.failed", 01014 e)); 01015 } 01016 } 01017 01025 public String loadXML(String filename) throws Exception 01026 { 01027 return this.loadXmlConfiguration(filename, null, 01028 ControllerConstants.AUTO_ENABLE_BACKEND, 01029 ControllerConstants.DATABASE_DEFAULT_CHECKPOINT); 01030 } 01031 01039 public String addDriver(String filename) throws Exception 01040 { 01041 // Test if addDriver is enabled. 01042 if (isSecurityEnabled() && security.getAllowAdditionalDriver() == false) 01043 { 01044 return Translate.get("controller.addDriver.abort", filename); 01045 } 01046 try 01047 { 01048 filename = filename.trim(); 01049 File file; 01050 FileInputStream fileInput = null; 01051 try 01052 { 01053 file = new File(filename); 01054 fileInput = new FileInputStream(file); 01055 } 01056 catch (FileNotFoundException fnf) 01057 { 01058 return Translate.get("controller.file.not.found", filename); 01059 } 01060 01061 // Read the file into an array of bytes 01062 try 01063 { 01064 long size = file.length(); 01065 if (size > Integer.MAX_VALUE) 01066 { 01067 // File is too large 01068 fileInput.close(); 01069 return Translate.get("controller.addDriver.too.large"); 01070 01071 } 01072 byte[] bytes = new byte[(int) size]; 01073 01074 int nb =; 01075 fileInput.close(); 01076 if (nb != size) 01077 { 01078 return Translate.get("controller.file.unreadable", filename); 01079 } 01080 01081 // Send the file contents to the controller 01082 addDriver(bytes); 01083 return Translate.get("controller.addDriver.successful", filename); 01084 } 01085 catch (IOException e) 01086 { 01087 return Translate.get("controller.addDriver.transfer.failed", filename); 01088 } 01089 } 01090 catch (Exception e) 01091 { 01092 return Translate.get("controller.addDriver.send.failed", e); 01093 } 01094 } 01095 01101 public ArrayList getVirtualDatabases() 01102 { 01103 ArrayList result = new ArrayList(); 01104 for (Iterator iter = virtualDatabases.values().iterator(); iter.hasNext();) 01105 result.add(; 01106 return result; 01107 } 01108 01114 public String getIPAddress() 01115 { 01116 return ipAddress; 01117 } 01118 01124 public void setIPAddress(String ipAddress) 01125 { 01126 this.ipAddress = ipAddress; 01127 } 01128 01134 public int getPortNumber() 01135 { 01136 return portNumber; 01137 } 01138 01144 public void setPortNumber(int port) 01145 { 01146 portNumber = port; 01147 } 01148 01154 public int getBacklogSize() 01155 { 01156 return backlogSize; 01157 } 01158 01164 public void setBacklogSize(int size) 01165 { 01166 backlogSize = size; 01167 } 01168 01174 public boolean getJmxEnable() 01175 { 01176 return MBeanServerManager.isJmxEnabled(); 01177 } 01178 01184 public String getJmxName() 01185 { 01186 if (getJmxEnable()) 01187 { 01188 RmiConnector connector = ((RmiConnector) RmiConnector.getRmiConnectors() 01189 .get(0)); 01190 return connector.getHostName() + ":" + connector.getPort(); 01191 } 01192 else 01193 return getName(); 01194 } 01195 01201 public void setJmxEnable(boolean enable) 01202 { 01203 configuration.put(ControllerFactory.JMX_ENABLE, "" + enable); 01204 } 01205 01211 public static String getVersion() 01212 { 01213 return Translate.get("", Constants.VERSION); 01214 } 01215 01221 public Hashtable getConfiguration() 01222 { 01223 return configuration; 01224 } 01225 01231 public boolean isSecurityEnabled() 01232 { 01233 return security != null; 01234 } 01235 01239 public ControllerSecurityManager getSecurity() 01240 { 01241 return security; 01242 } 01243 01247 public void setSecurity(ControllerSecurityManager security) 01248 { 01249 = security; 01250 } 01251 01255 public ArrayList listVirtualDatabases() 01256 { 01257 return new ArrayList(virtualDatabases.keySet()); 01258 } 01259 01263 public String generateReport() throws Exception 01264 { 01265 report.startReport(); 01266 return report.generate(); 01267 } 01268 01272 public ArrayList listBackends(String virtualDbName) throws Exception 01273 { 01274 VirtualDatabase vdb = (VirtualDatabase) virtualDatabases.get(virtualDbName); 01275 if (vdb == null) 01276 throw new Exception(ExceptionTypes.DATABASE_NOT_FOUND); 01277 else 01278 { 01279 return vdb.viewAllBackendNames(); 01280 } 01281 } 01282 01286 public ArrayList listDatabaseClients(String virtualDbName) throws Exception 01287 { 01288 VirtualDatabase vdb = (VirtualDatabase) virtualDatabases.get(virtualDbName); 01289 if (vdb == null) 01290 throw new Exception(ExceptionTypes.DATABASE_NOT_FOUND); 01291 else 01292 { 01293 return vdb.viewAllClientNames(); 01294 } 01295 } 01296 01300 public boolean isCacheEnableForDatabase(String virtualDbName) 01301 throws Exception 01302 { 01303 VirtualDatabase vdb = (VirtualDatabase) virtualDatabases.get(virtualDbName); 01304 if (vdb == null) 01305 throw new Exception(ExceptionTypes.DATABASE_NOT_FOUND); 01306 else 01307 { 01308 return (vdb.getRequestManager().getResultCache() == null) ? false : true; 01309 } 01310 } 01311 01317 public void setConfiguration(Hashtable configuration) 01318 { 01319 this.configuration = configuration; 01320 } 01321 01325 public String viewDatabaseXml(String databaseName) throws Exception 01326 { 01327 VirtualDatabase database = getVirtualDatabase(databaseName); 01328 if (database != null) 01329 return prettyXml(database.getXml()); 01330 else 01331 return ""; 01332 } 01333 01337 public String generateLogReport() throws Exception 01338 { 01339 ReportManager report = new ReportManager(this, true); 01340 return report.generateJustLogs(); 01341 } 01342 01346 public File[] listAvailableDumpFiles() 01347 { 01348 if (getVirtualDatabases().size() <= 0) 01349 return new File[0]; 01350 01351 File f = new File(((VirtualDatabase) getVirtualDatabases().get(0)) 01352 .getRequestManager().getBackupManager().getBackupDir()); 01353 if (f.exists()) 01354 { 01355 return f.listFiles(new FilenameFilter() 01356 { 01360 public boolean accept(File dir, String name) 01361 { 01362 if (name.endsWith(ZipMe.ZIP_EXT)) 01363 return true; 01364 else 01365 return false; 01366 } 01367 }); 01368 } 01369 else 01370 return new File[0]; 01371 } 01372 01376 public boolean removeDumpFile(File dumpFile) 01377 { 01378"controller.remove.dump", dumpFile.getName())); 01379 return dumpFile.delete(); 01380 } 01381 01385 public String viewLogConfigurationFile() throws IOException 01386 { 01387 File logFile = new File(getClass().getResource( 01388 ControllerConstants.LOG4J_RESOURCE).getFile()); 01389 BufferedReader reader = new BufferedReader(new FileReader(logFile)); 01390 StringBuffer buffer = new StringBuffer(); 01391 String line; 01392 while ((line = reader.readLine()) != null) 01393 buffer.append(line + System.getProperty("line.separator")); 01394 reader.close(); 01395 return buffer.toString(); 01396 } 01397 01401 public void updateLogConfigurationFile(String newConfiguration) 01402 throws IOException, ControllerException 01403 { 01404 File logFile = new File(getClass().getResource( 01405 ControllerConstants.LOG4J_RESOURCE).getFile()); 01406 BufferedWriter writer = new BufferedWriter(new FileWriter(logFile)); 01407 writer.write(newConfiguration); 01408 writer.flush(); 01409 writer.close(); 01410 refreshLogConfiguration(); 01411 } 01412 01416 public boolean isDistributedVirtualDatabase(String databaseName) 01417 { 01418 VirtualDatabase db = getVirtualDatabase(databaseName); 01419 if (db == null || !db.isDistributed()) 01420 return false; 01421 else 01422 return true; 01423 } 01424 01430 public ReportManager getReport() 01431 { 01432 return report; 01433 } 01434 01440 public void setReport(ReportManager report) 01441 { 01442 = report; 01443 } 01444 }

CJDBCversion1.0.4に対してTue Oct 12 15:16:01 2004に生成されました。 doxygen 1.3.8