
00001 00025 package org.objectweb.cjdbc.controller.jmx; 00026 00027 import; 00028 import; 00029 import java.rmi.Remote; 00030 import java.rmi.registry.LocateRegistry; 00031 import java.rmi.server.UnicastRemoteObject; 00032 import java.util.ArrayList; 00033 import java.util.Date; 00034 import java.util.Hashtable; 00035 import java.util.Iterator; 00036 import java.util.List; 00037 00038 import; 00039 import; 00040 import; 00041 import; 00042 import javax.naming.Context; 00043 00044 import org.objectweb.cjdbc.common.i18n.Translate; 00045 import org.objectweb.cjdbc.common.jmx.JmxException; 00046 import org.objectweb.cjdbc.common.jmx.notifications.JmxNotification; 00047 import org.objectweb.cjdbc.common.log.Trace; 00048 import; 00049 import; 00050 import; 00051 import; 00052 import org.objectweb.cjdbc.controller.authentication.PasswordAuthenticator; 00053 00060 public class RmiConnector 00061 { 00062 static Trace logger = Trace 00063 .getLogger("org.objectweb.cjdbc.controller.jmx"); 00064 00065 private String controllerName; 00066 private String hostName; 00067 private int port; 00068 private JMXAuthenticator authenticator; 00069 private SSLConfiguration sslConfig; 00070 00076 private JMXConnectorServer connection; 00077 private Remote rmiRegistry; 00078 00079 private static List rmiConnectors = new ArrayList(); 00080 00092 public RmiConnector(String controllerName, String hostName, int port, 00093 JMXAuthenticator authenticator, SSLConfiguration sslConfig) 00094 throws JmxException 00095 { 00096 if (hostName != null) 00097 { 00098 this.hostName = hostName; 00099 } 00100 else 00101 { 00102 try 00103 { 00105 this.hostName = InetAddress.getLocalHost().getHostName(); 00106 } 00107 catch (UnknownHostException ex) 00108 { 00109 throw new JmxException(ex); 00110 } 00111 } 00112 this.controllerName = controllerName; 00113 this.port = port; 00114 this.authenticator = authenticator; 00115 this.sslConfig = sslConfig; 00116 00117 addRmiConnector(this); 00118 } 00119 00125 public JMXAuthenticator getAuthenticator() 00126 { 00127 return authenticator; 00128 } 00129 00135 public void setAuthenticator(JMXAuthenticator authenticator) 00136 { 00137 this.authenticator = authenticator; 00138 } 00139 00145 public int getPort() 00146 { 00147 return port; 00148 } 00149 00155 public void setPort(int port) 00156 { 00157 this.port = port; 00158 } 00159 00165 public SSLConfiguration getSslConfig() 00166 { 00167 return sslConfig; 00168 } 00169 00175 public void setSslConfig(SSLConfiguration sslConfig) 00176 { 00177 this.sslConfig = sslConfig; 00178 } 00179 00185 public JMXConnectorServer getConnection() 00186 { 00187 return connection; 00188 } 00189 00195 public void start() throws JmxException 00196 { 00197 createNamingService(); 00198 createJRMPAdaptor(); 00199 } 00200 00206 public void stop() throws JmxException 00207 { 00208 try 00209 { 00210 if (connection != null) 00211 connection.stop(); 00212 if (rmiRegistry != null) 00213 UnicastRemoteObject.unexportObject(rmiRegistry, true); 00214 } 00215 catch (Exception e) 00216 { 00217 throw new JmxException(e); 00218 } 00219 finally 00220 { 00221 connection = null; 00222 rmiRegistry = null; 00223 } 00224 } 00225 00231 private void createNamingService() throws JmxException 00232 { 00233 try 00234 { 00235 // create and start the naming service 00236"jmx.create.naming.service", new String[]{"" 00237 + port})); 00238 rmiRegistry = LocateRegistry.createRegistry(port); 00239 } 00240 catch (Exception e) 00241 { 00242 throw new JmxException(e); 00243 } 00244 } 00245 00246 private void createJRMPAdaptor() throws JmxException 00247 { 00248 try 00249 { 00250 // create the JRMP adaptator 00251"jmx.create.jrmp.adaptor", "" + port)); 00252 00253 // Set the jndi name with which it will be registered 00254 // JNDI properties 00255 logger.debug(Translate.get("jmx.prepare.jndi")); 00256 00257 address = new 00258 "rmi", hostName, 0, "/jndi/jrmp"); 00259 00260 java.util.Map environment = new java.util.HashMap(); 00261 environment.put(Context.INITIAL_CONTEXT_FACTORY, 00262 "com.sun.jndi.rmi.registry.RegistryContextFactory"); 00263 environment.put(Context.PROVIDER_URL, "rmi://" + hostName + ":" + port); 00264 00265 if (authenticator == null) 00266 { 00267 authenticator = PasswordAuthenticator.NO_AUTHENICATION; 00268 } 00269 00270 if (authenticator != null) 00271 { 00272 environment.put(JMXConnectorServer.AUTHENTICATOR, authenticator); 00273 } 00274 00275 // ssl enabled ? 00276 if (sslConfig != null) 00277 { 00278"jmx.create.jrmp.ssl.enabled")); 00279 00280 RMISSLClientSocketFactory csf = new RMISSLClientSocketFactory(); 00281 RMISSLServerSocketFactory ssf = new RMISSLServerSocketFactory( 00282 SocketFactoryFactory.createServerFactory(sslConfig)); 00283 environment.put(RMIConnectorServer.RMI_CLIENT_SOCKET_FACTORY_ATTRIBUTE, 00284 csf); 00285 environment.put(RMIConnectorServer.RMI_SERVER_SOCKET_FACTORY_ATTRIBUTE, 00286 ssf); 00287 } 00288 00289 connection = 00290 .newJMXConnectorServer(address, environment, MBeanServerManager 00291 .getInstance()); 00292 00293 connection.start(); 00294 } 00295 catch (Exception e) 00296 { 00297 throw new JmxException(e); 00298 } 00299 } 00300 00306 public static List getRmiConnectors() 00307 { 00308 return rmiConnectors; 00309 } 00310 00316 private static synchronized void addRmiConnector(RmiConnector pRmiConnector) 00317 { 00318 rmiConnectors.add(pRmiConnector); 00319 } 00320 00324 public String getControllerName() 00325 { 00326 return controllerName; 00327 } 00328 00332 public String getHostName() 00333 { 00334 return hostName; 00335 } 00336 00337 private Date myDate; 00338 private long time; 00339 private JmxNotification cjdbcNotification; 00340 private Notification notification; 00341 private static long sequence = 0; 00342 00358 public synchronized void sendNotification(AbstractStandardMBean mbean, 00359 String type, String priority, String description, Hashtable data) 00360 { 00361 00362 myDate = new Date(); 00363 time = myDate.getTime(); 00364 00365 cjdbcNotification = new JmxNotification(priority, "" + sequence, type, 00366 description, "" + time, controllerName, mbean.getClass().getName(), 00367 "mbeanName", hostName, "" + port, data); 00368 notification = new Notification(type, mbean, sequence, myDate.getTime(), 00369 description); 00370 notification.setUserData(cjdbcNotification.toString()); 00371 mbean.sendNotification(notification); 00372 } 00373 00385 public static void broadcastNotification(AbstractStandardMBean mbean, 00386 String type, String priority, String description, Hashtable data) 00387 { 00388 sequence++; 00389"Sending notification:" + description + "(Message No:" 00390 + sequence + ")"); 00391 Iterator iter = rmiConnectors.iterator(); 00392 RmiConnector rmi; 00393 while (iter.hasNext()) 00394 { 00395 rmi = ((RmiConnector); 00396 rmi.sendNotification(mbean, type, priority, description, data); 00397 } 00398 } 00399 }

CJDBCversion1.0.4に対してTue Oct 12 15:16:01 2004に生成されました。 doxygen 1.3.8