
00001 00025 package org.objectweb.cjdbc.console.jmx; 00026 00027 import; 00028 import java.util.HashMap; 00029 import java.util.HashSet; 00030 import java.util.Map; 00031 import java.util.Set; 00032 00033 import; 00034 import; 00035 import; 00036 import; 00037 import; 00038 import; 00039 import; 00040 import; 00041 import javax.naming.Context; 00042 import; 00043 00044 import org.objectweb.cjdbc.common.exceptions.VirtualDatabaseException; 00045 import org.objectweb.cjdbc.common.jmx.JmxConstants; 00046 import org.objectweb.cjdbc.common.jmx.mbeans.ControllerMBean; 00047 import org.objectweb.cjdbc.common.jmx.mbeans.DataCollectorMBean; 00048 import org.objectweb.cjdbc.common.jmx.mbeans.DatabaseBackendMBean; 00049 import org.objectweb.cjdbc.common.jmx.mbeans.VirtualDatabaseMBean; 00050 import org.objectweb.cjdbc.common.users.AdminUser; 00051 import org.objectweb.cjdbc.controller.authentication.PasswordAuthenticator; 00052 00060 public class RmiJmxClient 00061 { 00062 private JMXConnector connector; 00063 private Object credentials; 00064 private String remoteHostAddress; 00065 private String remoteHostPort; 00066 00067 private NotificationListener notificationListener; 00068 00069 // List of last used MBeans 00070 private ControllerMBean controllerMBean; 00071 private VirtualDatabaseMBean virtualDbMBean; 00072 private DatabaseBackendMBean backendMBean; 00073 private DataCollectorMBean dataMBean; 00074 00080 public NotificationListener getNotificationListener() 00081 { 00082 return notificationListener; 00083 } 00084 00090 public void setNotificationListener(NotificationListener notificationListener) 00091 { 00092 this.notificationListener = notificationListener; 00093 } 00094 00100 public Object getCredentials() 00101 { 00102 return credentials; 00103 } 00104 00114 public RmiJmxClient(String port, String host, String jmxUser, 00115 String jmxPassword) throws IOException 00116 { 00117 this(port, host, PasswordAuthenticator.createCredentials(jmxUser, 00118 jmxPassword)); 00119 } 00120 00128 public RmiJmxClient(String url, Object credentials) throws IOException 00129 { 00130 int index = url.indexOf(":"); 00131 String ip = url.substring(0, index); 00132 String port = url.substring(index + 1); 00133 connect(port, ip, credentials); 00134 } 00135 00144 public RmiJmxClient(String port, String host, Object credentials) 00145 throws IOException 00146 { 00147 connect(port, host, credentials); 00148 } 00149 00158 public void connect(String port, String host, Object credentials) 00159 throws IOException 00160 { 00161 JMXServiceURL address = new JMXServiceURL("rmi", host, 0, "/jndi/jrmp"); 00162 00163 Map environment = new HashMap(); 00164 environment.put(Context.INITIAL_CONTEXT_FACTORY, 00165 "com.sun.jndi.rmi.registry.RegistryContextFactory"); 00166 environment.put(Context.PROVIDER_URL, "rmi://" + host + ":" + port); 00167 00168 // use username and password for authentication of connections 00169 // with the controller, the values are compared to the ones 00170 // specified in the controller.xml config file. 00171 if (credentials != null) 00172 { 00173 // this line is not required if no username/password has been configered 00174 environment.put(JMXConnector.CREDENTIALS, credentials); 00175 } 00176 00177 this.credentials = credentials; 00178 00179 connector = JMXConnectorFactory.connect(address, environment); 00180 remoteHostAddress = host; 00181 remoteHostPort = port; 00182 } 00183 00195 public VirtualDatabaseMBean getVirtualDatabaseProxy(String database, 00196 String user, String password) throws InstanceNotFoundException, 00197 IOException, VirtualDatabaseException 00198 { 00199 if (virtualDbMBean != null && isValidConnection() 00200 && virtualDbMBean.getName().equals(database)) 00201 { 00202 return virtualDbMBean; 00203 } 00204 else 00205 { 00206 ObjectName db = JmxConstants.getVirtualDbObjectName(database); 00207 00208 // we build a subject for authentication 00209 AdminUser dbUser = new AdminUser(user, password); 00210 Set principals = new HashSet(); 00211 principals.add(dbUser); 00212 Subject subj = new Subject(true, principals, new HashSet(), new HashSet()); 00213 00214 // we open a connection for this subject, all subsequent calls with this 00215 // connection will be executed on the behalf of our subject. 00216 MBeanServerConnection delegateConnection = connector 00217 .getMBeanServerConnection(subj); 00218 00219 // we create a proxy to the virtual database 00220 VirtualDatabaseMBean local = (VirtualDatabaseMBean) MBeanServerInvocationHandler 00221 .newProxyInstance(delegateConnection, db, VirtualDatabaseMBean.class, 00222 false); 00223 00224 // Check authentication 00225 boolean authenticated = false; 00226 try 00227 { 00228 authenticated = local.checkAdminAuthentication(user, password); 00229 } 00230 catch (Exception e) 00231 { 00232 throw new VirtualDatabaseException( 00233 "Could not check authentication. MBean is not accessible."); 00234 } 00235 if (!authenticated) 00236 throw new VirtualDatabaseException("Authentication Failed"); 00237 00238 // Add notification listener 00239 if (notificationListener != null) 00240 { 00241 delegateConnection.addNotificationListener(db, notificationListener, 00242 null, null); 00243 } 00244 00245 this.virtualDbMBean = local; 00246 00247 return virtualDbMBean; 00248 } 00249 } 00250 00258 public ControllerMBean getControllerProxy() throws InstanceNotFoundException, 00259 IOException 00260 { 00261 00262 if (controllerMBean != null && isValidConnection()) 00263 { 00264 return controllerMBean; 00265 } 00266 else 00267 { 00268 ObjectName db = JmxConstants.getControllerObjectName(); 00269 00270 // we create a new proxy to the controller 00271 controllerMBean = (ControllerMBean) MBeanServerInvocationHandler 00272 .newProxyInstance(connector.getMBeanServerConnection(), db, 00273 ControllerMBean.class, false); 00274 00275 // Add notification listener 00276 if (notificationListener != null) 00277 { 00278 connector.getMBeanServerConnection().addNotificationListener(db, 00279 notificationListener, null, null); 00280 } 00281 00282 return controllerMBean; 00283 } 00284 } 00285 00292 public DataCollectorMBean getDataCollectorProxy() throws IOException 00293 { 00294 00295 if (dataMBean != null && isValidConnection()) 00296 { 00297 return dataMBean; 00298 } 00299 else 00300 { 00301 ObjectName db = JmxConstants.getDataCollectorObjectName(); 00302 00303 // we create a new proxy to the data collector 00304 dataMBean = (DataCollectorMBean) MBeanServerInvocationHandler 00305 .newProxyInstance(connector.getMBeanServerConnection(), db, 00306 DataCollectorMBean.class, false); 00307 return dataMBean; 00308 } 00309 } 00310 00322 public DatabaseBackendMBean getDatabaseBackendProxy(String vdb, 00323 String backend, String user, String password) 00324 throws InstanceNotFoundException, IOException 00325 { 00326 if (backendMBean != null && isValidConnection()) 00327 { 00328 try 00329 { 00330 if (backendMBean.getName().equals(backend)) 00331 return backendMBean; 00332 } 00333 catch (Exception e) 00334 { 00335 // backend is no more there 00336 } 00337 } 00338 00339 // we build a subject for authentication 00340 AdminUser dbUser = new AdminUser(user, password); 00341 Set principals = new HashSet(); 00342 principals.add(dbUser); 00343 Subject subj = new Subject(true, principals, new HashSet(), new HashSet()); 00344 00345 ObjectName db = JmxConstants.getDatabaseBackendObjectName(vdb, backend); 00346 MBeanServerConnection delegateConnection = connector 00347 .getMBeanServerConnection(subj); 00348 00349 if (notificationListener != null) 00350 { 00351 delegateConnection.addNotificationListener(db, notificationListener, 00352 null, null); 00353 } 00354 00355 // we create a proxy to the database backend 00356 backendMBean = (DatabaseBackendMBean) MBeanServerInvocationHandler 00357 .newProxyInstance(delegateConnection, db, DatabaseBackendMBean.class, 00358 false); 00359 return backendMBean; 00360 } 00361 00368 public String getRemoteName() 00369 { 00370 return remoteHostAddress + ":" + remoteHostPort; 00371 } 00372 00378 public String getRemoteHostAddress() 00379 { 00380 return remoteHostAddress; 00381 } 00382 00388 public String getRemoteHostPort() 00389 { 00390 return remoteHostPort; 00391 } 00392 00398 public void reconnect() throws Exception 00399 { 00400 connect(remoteHostPort, remoteHostAddress, credentials); 00401 } 00402 00408 public boolean isValidConnection() 00409 { 00410 try 00411 { 00412 connector.getMBeanServerConnection().getMBeanCount(); 00413 return true; 00414 } 00415 catch (Exception e) 00416 { 00417 controllerMBean = null; 00418 backendMBean = null; 00419 virtualDbMBean = null; 00420 dataMBean = null; 00421 return false; 00422 } 00423 } 00424 }

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