
00001 00025 package; 00026 00027 import; 00028 import; 00029 import; 00030 import; 00031 import; 00032 00033 import; 00034 import; 00035 import; 00036 import; 00037 00038 import; 00039 import; 00040 import; 00041 import; 00042 import; 00043 00050 public class SocketFactoryFactory 00051 { 00052 00060 public static ServerSocketFactory createServerFactory(SSLConfiguration config) 00061 throws SSLException 00062 { 00063 try 00064 { 00065 00066 if (config == null) 00067 // nothing todo return default SocketFactory 00068 return ServerSocketFactory.getDefault(); 00069 00070 SSLContext context = createSSLContext(config); 00071 // Finally, we get a SocketFactory 00072 SSLServerSocketFactory ssf = context.getServerSocketFactory(); 00073 00074 if (!config.isClientAuthenticationRequired()) 00075 return ssf; 00076 00077 return new AuthenticatedServerSocketFactory(ssf); 00078 } 00079 catch (Exception e) 00080 { 00081 throw new SSLException(e); 00082 } 00083 } 00084 00092 public static SocketFactory createFactory(SSLConfiguration config) 00093 throws Exception 00094 { 00095 if (config == null) 00096 // nothing todo return default SocketFactory 00097 return SocketFactory.getDefault(); 00098 00099 SSLContext context = createSSLContext(config); 00100 00101 // Finally, we get a SocketFactory 00102 SSLSocketFactory ssf = context.getSocketFactory(); 00103 00104 if (!config.isClientAuthenticationRequired()) 00105 return ssf; 00106 00107 return new AuthenticatedSocketFactory(ssf); 00108 } 00109 00117 public static SSLContext createSSLContext(SSLConfiguration config) 00118 throws Exception 00119 { 00120 00121 KeyManager[] kms = getKeyManagers(config.getKeyStore(), config 00122 .getKeyStorePassword(), config.getKeyStoreKeyPassword()); 00123 00124 TrustManager[] tms = getTrustManagers(config.getTrustStore(), config 00125 .getTrustStorePassword()); 00126 00127 // Now construct a SSLContext using these KeyManagers. We 00128 // specify a null SecureRandom, indicating that the 00129 // defaults should be used. 00130 SSLContext context = SSLContext.getInstance("SSL"); 00131 context.init(kms, tms, null); 00132 return context; 00133 } 00134 00135 protected static KeyManager[] getKeyManagers(File keyStore, 00136 String keyStorePassword, String keyPassword) throws IOException, 00137 GeneralSecurityException 00138 { 00139 // First, get the default KeyManagerFactory. 00140 String alg = KeyManagerFactory.getDefaultAlgorithm(); 00141 KeyManagerFactory kmFact = KeyManagerFactory.getInstance(alg); 00142 00143 // Next, set up the KeyStore to use. We need to load the file into 00144 // a KeyStore instance. 00145 FileInputStream fis = new FileInputStream(keyStore); 00146 KeyStore ks = KeyStore.getInstance("jks"); 00147 00148 char[] passwd = null; 00149 if (keyStorePassword != null) 00150 { 00151 passwd = keyStorePassword.toCharArray(); 00152 } 00153 ks.load(fis, passwd); 00154 fis.close(); 00155 00156 // Now we initialize the TrustManagerFactory with this KeyStore 00157 kmFact.init(ks, keyPassword.toCharArray()); 00158 00159 // And now get the TrustManagers 00160 KeyManager[] kms = kmFact.getKeyManagers(); 00161 return kms; 00162 } 00163 00164 protected static TrustManager[] getTrustManagers(File trustStore, 00165 String trustStorePassword) throws IOException, GeneralSecurityException 00166 { 00167 // First, get the default TrustManagerFactory. 00168 String alg = TrustManagerFactory.getDefaultAlgorithm(); 00169 TrustManagerFactory tmFact = TrustManagerFactory.getInstance(alg); 00170 00171 // Next, set up the TrustStore to use. We need to load the file into 00172 // a KeyStore instance. 00173 FileInputStream fis = new FileInputStream(trustStore); 00174 KeyStore ks = KeyStore.getInstance("jks"); 00175 ks.load(fis, trustStorePassword.toCharArray()); 00176 fis.close(); 00177 00178 // Now we initialize the TrustManagerFactory with this KeyStore 00179 tmFact.init(ks); 00180 00181 // And now get the TrustManagers 00182 TrustManager[] tms = tmFact.getTrustManagers(); 00183 return tms; 00184 } 00185 }

CJDBCversion1.0.4に対してTue Oct 12 15:15:57 2004に生成されました。 doxygen 1.3.8