
00001 00025 package org.objectweb.cjdbc.controller.loadbalancer.policies; 00026 00027 import org.objectweb.cjdbc.common.xml.DatabasesXmlTags; 00034 public class WaitForCompletionPolicy 00035 { 00037 public static final int FIRST = 0; 00038 00042 public static final int MAJORITY = 1; 00043 00045 public static final int ALL = 2; 00046 00048 private int policy = FIRST; 00049 00055 public int getPolicy() 00056 { 00057 return policy; 00058 } 00059 00065 public void setPolicy(int policy) 00066 { 00067 this.policy = policy; 00068 } 00069 00075 public String getInformation() 00076 { 00077 switch (policy) 00078 { 00079 case FIRST : 00080 return "return when first node completes"; 00081 case MAJORITY : 00082 return "return when a majority of nodes completes"; 00083 case ALL : 00084 return "return when all nodes have completed"; 00085 default : 00086 return "unknown policy"; 00087 } 00088 } 00089 00095 public String getXml() 00096 { 00097 StringBuffer info = new StringBuffer(); 00098 info.append( 00099 "<" 00100 + DatabasesXmlTags.ELT_WaitForCompletion 00101 + " " 00102 + DatabasesXmlTags.ATT_policy 00103 + "=\""); 00104 switch (policy) 00105 { 00106 case FIRST : 00107 info.append(DatabasesXmlTags.VAL_first); 00108 break; 00109 case ALL : 00110 info.append(DatabasesXmlTags.VAL_all); 00111 break; 00112 case MAJORITY : 00113 info.append(DatabasesXmlTags.VAL_majority); 00114 break; 00115 default : 00116 } 00117 info.append("\"/>"); 00118 return info.toString(); 00119 } 00120 }

CJDBCversion1.0.4に対してTue Oct 12 15:16:02 2004に生成されました。 doxygen 1.3.8