Package org.objectweb.cjdbc.controller.virtualdatabase.protocol

Differemt group messages for the distributed version of the virtual database.


Class Summary
BackendStatus Send the status of local backends to remote controllers.
BackendTransfer This class defines a BackendTransfer message
CacheInvalidate This class defines a CacheInvalidate
CJDBCGroupMessage This class defines a CJDBCGroupMessage.
Commit Execute a distributed commit.
ControllerName This class defines a ControllerName class to send to new group members
CopyLogEntry This class defines a CopyLogEntry message.
DisableBackend Send the information that the sender wants to disable the specified backend.
DistributedRequest DistributedRequest is an abstract class that defines the interface for distributed execution of a request (horizontal scalability).
DistributedTransactionMarker This class defines a DistributedTransactionMarker which is used to transport commit/rollback/savepoint type of commands.
EnableBackend Send the information that the sender wants to enable the specified backend.
ExecReadRequest Execute a read request.
ExecReadStoredProcedure This class defines a ExecReadStoredProcedure
ExecWriteRequest Execute a write request between several controllers.
ExecWriteRequestWithKeys Execute a write request between several controllers.
ExecWriteStoredProcedure This execute a write stored procedure on multiple controllers.
InitiateDumpCopy This message is used to prepare the sending of a dump to a remote controller's vdb backup manager.
NotifyCompletion This class defines a NotifyCompletion command that is sent to controllers that have failed to notify of the success or failure of the request execution.
ReleaseSavepoint Execute a distributed release savepoint
ReplicateLogEntries This message is used both to prepare the sending of a set of log entries to a remote controller's vdb recovery log (intialization) and to terminate it (termination).
Rollback Execute a distributed rollback.
RollbackToSavepoint Execute a distributed rollback to savepoint
SetCheckpoint This message is used to set a cluster-wide atomic checkpoint into the recovery log.
SetSavepoint Execute a distributed set savepoint
UnlogCommit This class defines an UnlogCommit command that is sent when a commit has failed on all controllers and it is necessary for controllers without backend to remove this commit from their recovery log since they systematically log all update statements.
UnlogRequest This class defines an UnlogRequest command that is sent when a query has failed on all controllers and it is necessary for controllers without backend to remove this query from their recovery log since they systematically log write queries.
UnlogRollback This class defines an UnlogRollback command that is sent when a rollback has failed on all controllers and it is necessary for controllers without backend to remove this rollback from their recovery log since they systematically log all update statements.
VirtualDatabaseConfiguration Transports the configuration of a virtual database to remote controllers so that compatibility checking can be performed.

Package org.objectweb.cjdbc.controller.virtualdatabase.protocol Description

Differemt group messages for the distributed version of the virtual database.

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