クラス org.objectweb.cjdbc.common.util.Strings



This class provides utilities for Strings manipulation.

Emmanuel Cecchet

Strings.java33 行で定義されています。

Static Public メソッド

String replace (String sourceString, String replace, String with)
String replaceCasePreserving (String sourceString, String replace, String with)


String org.objectweb.cjdbc.common.util.Strings.replace String  sourceString,
String  replace,
String  with

Replaces all occurrences of a String within another String.

sourceString source String
replace text pattern to replace
with replacement text
the text with any replacements processed, null if null String input
Strings.java45 行で定義されています。
00046 { 00047 if (sourceString == null || replace == null || with == null 00048 || "".equals(replace)) 00049 { 00050 return sourceString; 00051 } 00052 00053 StringBuffer buf = new StringBuffer(sourceString.length()); 00054 int start = 0, end = 0; 00055 while ((end = sourceString.indexOf(replace, start)) != -1) 00056 { 00057 buf.append(sourceString.substring(start, end)).append(with); 00058 start = end + replace.length(); 00059 } 00060 buf.append(sourceString.substring(start)); 00061 return buf.toString(); 00062 }

String org.objectweb.cjdbc.common.util.Strings.replaceCasePreserving String  sourceString,
String  replace,
String  with

Replaces all occurrences of a String within another String. The String to be replaced will be replaced ignoring cases, all other cases are preserved in the returned string

sourceString source String
replace text to replace, case insensitive
with replacement text
the text with any replacements processed, null if null String input
Strings.java75 行で定義されています。
00077 { 00078 if (sourceString == null || replace == null || with == null) 00079 { 00080 return sourceString; 00081 } 00082 String lower = sourceString.toLowerCase(); 00083 int shift = 0; 00084 int idx = lower.indexOf(replace); 00085 int length = replace.length(); 00086 StringBuffer resultString = new StringBuffer(sourceString); 00087 do 00088 { 00089 resultString = resultString.replace(idx + shift, idx + shift + length, 00090 with); 00091 shift += with.length() - length; 00092 idx = lower.indexOf(with, idx + length); 00093 } 00094 while (idx > 0); 00095 00096 return resultString.toString(); 00097 }

CJDBCversion1.0.4に対してTue Oct 12 15:16:19 2004に生成されました。 doxygen 1.3.8