クラス org.objectweb.cjdbc.controller.loadbalancer.raidb2.RAIDb2_RR


Inheritance graph

Collaboration graph


RAIDb-2 Round Robin load balancer.

The read requests coming from the request manager are sent in a round robin to the backend nodes. Write requests are broadcasted to all backends.

Emmanuel Cecchet

Julie Marguerite


RAIDb2_RR.java51 行で定義されています。

Public メソッド

 RAIDb2_RR (VirtualDatabase vdb, WaitForCompletionPolicy waitForCompletionPolicy, CreateTablePolicy createTablePolicy, long timestampResolution) throws SQLException
java.sql.ResultSet execReadRequest (SelectRequest request) throws SQLException
ResultSet execReadOnlyReadStoredProcedure (StoredProcedure proc) throws SQLException
String getInformation ()
String getRaidb2Xml ()
int execWriteRequest (AbstractWriteRequest request) throws AllBackendsFailedException, SQLException
ResultSet execWriteRequestWithKeys (AbstractWriteRequest request) throws AllBackendsFailedException, SQLException
ResultSet execReadStoredProcedure (StoredProcedure proc) throws SQLException
int execWriteStoredProcedure (StoredProcedure proc) throws SQLException
final void begin (TransactionMarkerMetaData tm) throws SQLException
void commit (TransactionMarkerMetaData tm) throws SQLException
void rollback (TransactionMarkerMetaData tm) throws SQLException
void enableBackend (DatabaseBackend db, boolean writeEnabled) throws SQLException
synchronized void disableBackend (DatabaseBackend db) throws SQLException
String getXmlImpl ()
int getRAIDbLevel ()
void setRAIDbLevel (int raidbLevel)
int getParsingGranularity ()
void setParsingGranularity (int parsingGranularity)
void setWeight (String name, int w) throws SQLException
String getXml ()

Protected メソッド

java.sql.ResultSet executeRequestOnBackend (SelectRequest request, DatabaseBackend backend) throws SQLException, UnreachableBackendException
java.sql.ResultSet executeStoredProcedureOnBackend (StoredProcedure proc, DatabaseBackend backend) throws SQLException, UnreachableBackendException
void waitForAllWritesToComplete (long transactionId) throws SQLException
void waitForAllWritesToComplete (DatabaseBackend backend, long transactionId) throws SQLException
void waitForAllWritesToComplete (DatabaseBackend backend) throws SQLException
ResultSet executeStatementOnBackend (SelectRequest request, DatabaseBackend backend, Connection c) throws SQLException, BadConnectionException

Protected 変数

ArrayList backendBlockingThreads
ArrayList backendNonBlockingThreads
ReadPrioritaryFIFOWriteLock backendBlockingThreadsRWLock = new ReadPrioritaryFIFOWriteLock()
ReadPrioritaryFIFOWriteLock backendNonBlockingThreadsRWLock = new ReadPrioritaryFIFOWriteLock()
WaitForCompletionPolicy waitForCompletionPolicy
CreateTablePolicy createTablePolicy
VirtualDatabase vdb
int raidbLevel
int parsingGranularity

Static Protected 変数

Trace logger

Private 変数

int index


org.objectweb.cjdbc.controller.loadbalancer.raidb2.RAIDb2_RR.RAIDb2_RR VirtualDatabase  vdb,
WaitForCompletionPolicy  waitForCompletionPolicy,
CreateTablePolicy  createTablePolicy,
long  timestampResolution
throws SQLException

Creates a new RAIDb-2 Round Robin request load balancer.

vdb the virtual database this load balancer belongs to.
waitForCompletionPolicy How many backends must complete before returning the result?
createTablePolicy The policy defining how 'create table' statements should be handled
timestampResolution timestamp resolution for NOW macros
SQLException if an error occurs

RAIDb2_RR.java75 行で定義されています。

00079   {
00080     super(vdb, waitForCompletionPolicy, createTablePolicy, timestampResolution);
00081     index = -1;
00082   }


final void org.objectweb.cjdbc.controller.loadbalancer.raidb2.RAIDb2.begin TransactionMarkerMetaData  tm  )  throws SQLException [virtual, inherited]

Begins a new transaction.

tm the transaction marker metadata
SQLException if an error occurs


RAIDb2.java1005 行で定義されています。

01006   {
01007   }

void org.objectweb.cjdbc.controller.loadbalancer.raidb2.RAIDb2.commit TransactionMarkerMetaData  tm  )  throws SQLException [virtual, inherited]

Commits a transaction.

tm the transaction marker metadata
SQLException if an error occurs


RAIDb2.java1015 行で定義されています。

参照先 org.objectweb.cjdbc.controller.loadbalancer.BackendWorkerThread.addTask(), org.objectweb.cjdbc.controller.loadbalancer.BackendWorkerThread.getBackend(), org.objectweb.cjdbc.controller.loadbalancer.tasks.AbstractTask.getFailed(), org.objectweb.cjdbc.controller.loadbalancer.tasks.AbstractTask.getSuccess(), と org.objectweb.cjdbc.controller.backend.DatabaseBackend.isStartedTransaction().

01016   {
01017     if (waitForCompletionPolicy.getPolicy() != WaitForCompletionPolicy.ALL)
01018       waitForAllWritesToComplete(tm.getTransactionId());
01020     try
01021     {
01022       backendNonBlockingThreadsRWLock.acquireRead();
01023     }
01024     catch (InterruptedException e)
01025     {
01026       String msg = Translate.get(
01027           "loadbalancer.backendlist.acquire.readlock.failed", e);
01028       logger.error(msg);
01029       throw new SQLException(msg);
01030     }
01032     int nbOfThreads = backendNonBlockingThreads.size();
01033     ArrayList commitList = new ArrayList();
01034     Long iTid = new Long(tm.getTransactionId());
01036     // Build the list of backend that need to commit this transaction
01037     for (int i = 0; i < nbOfThreads; i++)
01038     {
01039       BackendWorkerThread thread = (BackendWorkerThread) backendNonBlockingThreads
01040           .get(i);
01041       if (thread.getBackend().isStartedTransaction(iTid))
01042         commitList.add(thread);
01043     }
01045     nbOfThreads = commitList.size();
01046     if (nbOfThreads == 0)
01047     {
01048       backendNonBlockingThreadsRWLock.releaseRead();
01049       return;
01050     }
01052     // Create the task
01053     CommitTask task = new CommitTask(getNbToWait(nbOfThreads), nbOfThreads, tm
01054         .getTimeout(), tm.getLogin(), tm.getTransactionId());
01056     synchronized (task)
01057     {
01058       // Post the task in each backendThread tasklist and wakeup the threads
01059       for (int i = 0; i < nbOfThreads; i++)
01060       {
01061         BackendWorkerThread thread = (BackendWorkerThread) commitList.get(i);
01062         synchronized (thread)
01063         {
01064           thread.addTask(task);
01065           thread.notify();
01066         }
01067       }
01069       backendNonBlockingThreadsRWLock.releaseRead();
01071       // Wait for completion (notified by the task)
01072       try
01073       {
01074         // Wait on task
01075         long timeout = tm.getTimeout();
01076         if (timeout > 0)
01077         {
01078           long start = System.currentTimeMillis();
01079           task.wait(timeout);
01080           long end = System.currentTimeMillis();
01081           long remaining = timeout - (end - start);
01082           if (remaining <= 0)
01083           {
01084             String msg = Translate.get("loadbalancer.commit.timeout",
01085                 new String[]{String.valueOf(tm.getTransactionId()),
01086                     String.valueOf(task.getSuccess()),
01087                     String.valueOf(task.getFailed())});
01088             logger.warn(msg);
01089             throw new SQLException(msg);
01090           }
01091         }
01092         else
01093           task.wait();
01094       }
01095       catch (InterruptedException e)
01096       {
01097         throw new SQLException(Translate.get("loadbalancer.commit.timeout",
01098             new String[]{String.valueOf(tm.getTransactionId()),
01099                 String.valueOf(task.getSuccess()),
01100                 String.valueOf(task.getFailed())}));
01101       }
01103       if (task.getSuccess() > 0)
01104         return;
01105       else
01106       { // All tasks failed
01107         ArrayList exceptions = task.getExceptions();
01108         if (exceptions == null)
01109           throw new SQLException(Translate.get(
01110               "loadbalancer.commit.all.failed", tm.getTransactionId()));
01111         else
01112         {
01113           String errorMsg = Translate.get("loadbalancer.commit.failed.stack",
01114               tm.getTransactionId())
01115               + "\n";
01116           for (int i = 0; i < exceptions.size(); i++)
01117             errorMsg += ((SQLException) exceptions.get(i)).getMessage() + "\n";
01118           logger.error(errorMsg);
01119           throw new SQLException(errorMsg);
01120         }
01121       }
01122     }
01123   }

synchronized void org.objectweb.cjdbc.controller.loadbalancer.raidb2.RAIDb2.disableBackend DatabaseBackend  db  )  throws SQLException [virtual, inherited]

Disables a backend that was previously enabled.

Ask the corresponding connection manager to finalize the connections if needed.

No sanity checks are performed by this function.

db the database backend to disable
SQLException if an error occurs



RAIDb2.java1421 行で定義されています。

参照先 org.objectweb.cjdbc.controller.loadbalancer.BackendWorkerThread.addPriorityTask(), org.objectweb.cjdbc.controller.backend.DatabaseBackend.equals(), と org.objectweb.cjdbc.controller.loadbalancer.BackendWorkerThread.getBackend().

01423   {
01424     if (db.isWriteEnabled())
01425     {
01426       // Start with the backendBlockingThread list
01427       try
01428       {
01429         backendBlockingThreadsRWLock.acquireWrite();
01430       }
01431       catch (InterruptedException e)
01432       {
01433         String msg = Translate.get(
01434             "loadbalancer.backendlist.acquire.writelock.failed", e);
01435         logger.error(msg);
01436         throw new SQLException(msg);
01437       }
01439       int nbOfThreads = backendBlockingThreads.size();
01441       // Find the right blocking thread
01442       for (int i = 0; i < nbOfThreads; i++)
01443       {
01444         BackendWorkerThread thread = (BackendWorkerThread) backendBlockingThreads
01445             .get(i);
01446         if (thread.getBackend().equals(db))
01447         {
01448           logger.info(Translate
01449               .get("loadbalancer.backend.workerthread.blocking.remove", db
01450                   .getName()));
01452           backendBlockingThreads.remove(thread);
01454           synchronized (thread)
01455           {
01456             // Kill the thread
01457             thread.addPriorityTask(new KillThreadTask(1, 1));
01458             thread.notify();
01459           }
01460           break;
01461         }
01462       }
01464       backendBlockingThreadsRWLock.releaseWrite();
01466       // Continue with the backendNonBlockingThread list
01468       try
01469       {
01470         backendNonBlockingThreadsRWLock.acquireWrite();
01471       }
01472       catch (InterruptedException e)
01473       {
01474         String msg = Translate.get(
01475             "loadbalancer.backendlist.acquire.writelock.failed", e);
01476         logger.error(msg);
01477         throw new SQLException(msg);
01478       }
01480       // Find the right non-blocking thread
01481       nbOfThreads = backendNonBlockingThreads.size();
01482       for (int i = 0; i < nbOfThreads; i++)
01483       {
01484         BackendWorkerThread thread = (BackendWorkerThread) backendNonBlockingThreads
01485             .get(i);
01486         if (thread.getBackend().equals(db))
01487         {
01488           logger.info(Translate.get(
01489               "loadbalancer.backend.workerthread.non.blocking.remove", db
01490                   .getName()));
01492           backendNonBlockingThreads.remove(thread);
01494           synchronized (thread)
01495           {
01496             // Kill the thread
01497             thread.addPriorityTask(new KillThreadTask(1, 1));
01498             thread.notify();
01499           }
01500           break;
01501         }
01502       }
01504       backendNonBlockingThreadsRWLock.releaseWrite();
01505     }
01507     db.disable();
01508     if (db.isInitialized())
01509       db.finalizeConnections();
01510   }

void org.objectweb.cjdbc.controller.loadbalancer.raidb2.RAIDb2.enableBackend DatabaseBackend  db,
boolean  writeEnabled
throws SQLException [virtual, inherited]

Enables a Backend that was previously disabled.

Ask the corresponding connection manager to initialize the connections if needed.

No sanity checks are performed by this function.

db The database backend to enable
writeEnabled True if the backend must be enabled for writes
SQLException if an error occurs



RAIDb2.java1356 行で定義されています。

参照先 org.objectweb.cjdbc.controller.backend.DatabaseBackend.enableWrite(), と org.objectweb.cjdbc.controller.backend.DatabaseBackend.getName().

01358   {
01359     if (writeEnabled)
01360     {
01361       // Create 2 worker threads
01362       BackendWorkerThread blockingThread = new BackendWorkerThread(
01363           (DatabaseBackend) db, this);
01364       BackendWorkerThread nonBlockingThread = new BackendWorkerThread(
01365           (DatabaseBackend) db, this);
01367       // Add first to the blocking thread list
01368       try
01369       {
01370         backendBlockingThreadsRWLock.acquireWrite();
01371       }
01372       catch (InterruptedException e)
01373       {
01374         String msg = Translate.get(
01375             "loadbalancer.backendlist.acquire.writelock.failed", e);
01376         logger.error(msg);
01377         throw new SQLException(msg);
01378       }
01379       backendBlockingThreads.add(blockingThread);
01380       backendBlockingThreadsRWLock.releaseWrite();
01381       blockingThread.start();
01382       logger.info(Translate.get(
01383           "loadbalancer.backend.workerthread.blocking.add", db.getName()));
01385       // Then add to the non-blocking thread list
01386       try
01387       {
01388         backendNonBlockingThreadsRWLock.acquireWrite();
01389       }
01390       catch (InterruptedException e)
01391       {
01392         String msg = Translate.get(
01393             "loadbalancer.backendlist.acquire.writelock.failed", e);
01394         logger.error(msg);
01395         throw new SQLException(msg);
01396       }
01397       backendNonBlockingThreads.add(nonBlockingThread);
01398       backendNonBlockingThreadsRWLock.releaseWrite();
01399       nonBlockingThread.start();
01400       logger.info(Translate.get(
01401           "loadbalancer.backend.workerthread.non.blocking.add", db.getName()));
01402       db.enableWrite();
01403     }
01405     if (!db.isInitialized())
01406       db.initializeConnections();
01407     db.enableRead();
01408   }

ResultSet org.objectweb.cjdbc.controller.loadbalancer.raidb2.RAIDb2_RR.execReadOnlyReadStoredProcedure StoredProcedure  proc  )  throws SQLException [virtual]

Chooses the node to execute the stored procedure using a round-robin algorithm. If the next node has not the needed stored procedure, we try the next one and so on until a suitable backend is found.



RAIDb2_RR.java211 行で定義されています。

参照先 org.objectweb.cjdbc.controller.backend.DatabaseBackend.getName(), org.objectweb.cjdbc.controller.backend.DatabaseBackend.hasStoredProcedure(), と org.objectweb.cjdbc.controller.backend.DatabaseBackend.isReadEnabled.

00213   {
00214     // Choose a backend
00215     try
00216     {
00217       vdb.acquireReadLockBackendLists();
00218     }
00219     catch (InterruptedException e)
00220     {
00221       String msg = Translate.get(
00222           "loadbalancer.backendlist.acquire.readlock.failed", e);
00223       logger.error(msg);
00224       throw new SQLException(msg);
00225     }
00227     DatabaseBackend backend = null; // The backend that will execute the query
00229     // Note that vdb lock is released in the finally clause of this try/catch
00230     // block
00231     try
00232     {
00233       DatabaseBackend failedBackend = null;
00234       SQLException failedException = null;
00235       ResultSet rs = null;
00236       do
00237       {
00238         ArrayList backends = vdb.getBackends();
00239         int size = backends.size();
00241         if (size == 0)
00242           throw new SQLException(Translate.get(
00243               "loadbalancer.execute.no.backend.available", proc.getId()));
00245         // Take the next backend that has the needed tables
00246         int maxTries = size;
00247         int enabledBackends = 0;
00249         synchronized (this)
00250         {
00251           do
00252           {
00253             index = (index + 1) % size;
00254             backend = (DatabaseBackend) backends.get(index);
00255             if (backend.isReadEnabled())
00256             {
00257               enabledBackends++;
00258               if ((backend != failedBackend)
00259                   && backend.hasStoredProcedure(proc.getProcedureName()))
00260                 break;
00261             }
00262             maxTries--;
00263           }
00264           while (maxTries >= 0);
00265         }
00267         if (maxTries < 0)
00268         { // No suitable backend found
00269           if (enabledBackends == 0)
00270             throw new SQLException(Translate.get(
00271                 "loadbalancer.execute.no.backend.enabled", proc.getId()));
00272           else if (failedBackend == null)
00273             throw new SQLException(Translate.get(
00274                 "loadbalancer.backend.no.required.storedprocedure", proc
00275                     .getProcedureName()));
00276           else
00277             // Bad query, the only backend that could execute it has failed
00278             throw failedException;
00279         }
00281         // Execute the request on the chosen backend
00282         boolean toDisable = false;
00283         try
00284         {
00285           rs = executeStoredProcedureOnBackend(proc, backend);
00286           if (failedBackend != null)
00287           { // Previous backend failed
00288             if (logger.isWarnEnabled())
00289               logger.warn(Translate.get("loadbalancer.storedprocedure.status",
00290                   new String[]{String.valueOf(proc.getId()), backend.getName(),
00291                       failedBackend.getName()}));
00292             toDisable = true;
00293           }
00294         }
00295         catch (UnreachableBackendException se)
00296         {
00297           // Retry on an other backend.
00298           continue;
00299         }
00300         catch (SQLException se)
00301         {
00302           if (failedBackend != null)
00303           { // Bad query, no backend can execute it
00304             String msg = Translate.get(
00305                 "loadbalancer.storedprocedure.failed.twice", new String[]{
00306                     String.valueOf(proc.getId()), se.getMessage()});
00307             if (logger.isInfoEnabled())
00308               logger.info(msg);
00309             throw new SQLException(msg);
00310           }
00311           else
00312           { // We are the first to fail on this query
00313             failedBackend = backend;
00314             failedException = se;
00315             if (logger.isInfoEnabled())
00316               logger.info(Translate.get(
00317                   "loadbalancer.storedprocedure.failed.on.backend",
00318                   new String[]{
00319                       proc.getSQLShortForm(vdb.getSQLShortFormLength()),
00320                       backend.getName(), se.getMessage()}));
00321             continue;
00322           }
00323         }
00325         if (toDisable)
00326         { // retry has succeeded and we need to disable the first node that
00327           // failed
00328           try
00329           {
00330             if (logger.isWarnEnabled())
00331               logger.warn(Translate.get("loadbalancer.backend.disabling",
00332                   failedBackend.getName()));
00333             failedBackend.disable();
00334             failedBackend.finalizeConnections();
00335           }
00336           catch (SQLException ignore)
00337           {
00338           }
00339           finally
00340           {
00341             failedBackend = null; // to exit the do{}while
00342           }
00343         }
00344       }
00345       while (failedBackend != null);
00346       return rs;
00347     }
00348     catch (RuntimeException e)
00349     {
00350       String msg = Translate.get(
00351           "loadbalancer.storedprocedure.failed.on.backend", new String[]{
00352               proc.getSQLShortForm(vdb.getSQLShortFormLength()),
00353               backend.getName(), e.getMessage()});
00354       logger.fatal(msg, e);
00355       throw new SQLException(msg);
00356     }
00357     finally
00358     {
00359       vdb.releaseReadLockBackendLists();
00360     }
00361   }

java.sql.ResultSet org.objectweb.cjdbc.controller.loadbalancer.raidb2.RAIDb2_RR.execReadRequest SelectRequest  request  )  throws SQLException [virtual]

Chooses the node to execute the request using a round-robin algorithm. If the next node has not the tables needed to execute the requests, we try the next one and so on until a suitable backend is found.

request an SelectRequest
the corresponding java.sql.ResultSet
SQLException if an error occurs
org.objectweb.cjdbc.controller.loadbalancer.raidb2.RAIDb2.execReadRequest(SelectRequest request)


RAIDb2_RR.java99 行で定義されています。

参照先 org.objectweb.cjdbc.controller.virtualdatabase.VirtualDatabase.acquireReadLockBackendLists(), org.objectweb.cjdbc.common.log.Trace.error(), org.objectweb.cjdbc.controller.virtualdatabase.VirtualDatabase.getBackends(), org.objectweb.cjdbc.controller.backend.DatabaseBackend.getName(), org.objectweb.cjdbc.controller.virtualdatabase.VirtualDatabase.getSQLShortFormLength(), org.objectweb.cjdbc.controller.backend.DatabaseBackend.hasTables(), と org.objectweb.cjdbc.controller.backend.DatabaseBackend.isReadEnabled.

00101   {
00102     // Choose a backend
00103     try
00104     {
00105       vdb.acquireReadLockBackendLists();
00106     }
00107     catch (InterruptedException e)
00108     {
00109       String msg = Translate.get(
00110           "loadbalancer.backendlist.acquire.readlock.failed", e);
00111       logger.error(msg);
00112       throw new SQLException(msg);
00113     }
00115     DatabaseBackend backend = null; // The backend that will execute the query
00117     // Note that vdb lock is released in the finally clause of this try/catch
00118     // block
00119     try
00120     {
00121       ArrayList backends = vdb.getBackends();
00122       int size = backends.size();
00124       if (size == 0)
00125         throw new SQLException(Translate.get(
00126             "loadbalancer.execute.no.backend.available", request.getId()));
00128       // Take the next backend that has the needed tables
00129       int maxTries = size;
00130       int enabledBackends = 0;
00131       ArrayList tables = request.getFrom();
00133       synchronized (this)
00134       {
00135         do
00136         {
00137           index = (index + 1) % size;
00138           backend = (DatabaseBackend) backends.get(index);
00139           if (backend.isReadEnabled())
00140           {
00141             enabledBackends++;
00142             if (backend.hasTables(tables))
00143               break;
00144           }
00145           maxTries--;
00146         }
00147         while (maxTries >= 0);
00148       }
00150       if (maxTries < 0)
00151       { // No suitable backend found
00152         if (enabledBackends == 0)
00153           throw new SQLException(Translate.get(
00154               "loadbalancer.execute.no.backend.enabled", request.getId()));
00155         else
00156           throw new SQLException(Translate.get(
00157               "loadbalancer.backend.no.required.tables", tables.toString()));
00158       }
00159     }
00160     catch (RuntimeException e)
00161     {
00162       String msg = Translate.get("loadbalancer.request.failed.on.backend",
00163           new String[]{request.getSQLShortForm(vdb.getSQLShortFormLength()),
00164               backend.getName(), e.getMessage()});
00165       logger.error(msg, e);
00166       throw new SQLException(msg);
00167     }
00168     finally
00169     {
00170       vdb.releaseReadLockBackendLists();
00171     }
00173     // Execute the request on the chosen backend
00174     ResultSet rs = null;
00175     try
00176     {
00177       rs = executeRequestOnBackend(request, backend);
00178     }
00179     catch (UnreachableBackendException se)
00180     {
00181       // Try on another backend
00182       return execReadRequest(request);
00183     }
00184     catch (SQLException se)
00185     {
00186       String msg = Translate.get("loadbalancer.request.failed", new String[]{
00187           String.valueOf(request.getId()), se.getMessage()});
00188       if (logger.isInfoEnabled())
00189         logger.info(msg);
00190       throw new SQLException(msg);
00191     }
00192     catch (RuntimeException e)
00193     {
00194       String msg = Translate.get("loadbalancer.request.failed.on.backend",
00195           new String[]{request.getSQLShortForm(vdb.getSQLShortFormLength()),
00196               backend.getName(), e.getMessage()});
00197       logger.error(msg, e);
00198       throw new SQLException(msg);
00199     }
00201     return rs;
00202   }

ResultSet org.objectweb.cjdbc.controller.loadbalancer.raidb2.RAIDb2.execReadStoredProcedure StoredProcedure  proc  )  throws SQLException [virtual, inherited]



RAIDb2.java816 行で定義されています。

参照先 org.objectweb.cjdbc.controller.loadbalancer.tasks.ReadStoredProcedureTask.getResult().

00818   {
00819     ReadStoredProcedureTask task = (ReadStoredProcedureTask) callStoredProcedure(
00820         proc, true);
00821     return task.getResult();
00822   }

java.sql.ResultSet org.objectweb.cjdbc.controller.loadbalancer.raidb2.RAIDb2.executeRequestOnBackend SelectRequest  request,
DatabaseBackend  backend
throws SQLException, UnreachableBackendException [protected, inherited]

Execute a read request on the selected backend.

request the request to execute
backend the backend that will execute the request
the ResultSet
SQLException if an error occurs

RAIDb2.java492 行で定義されています。

00494   {
00495     // Handle macros
00496     request.setSQL(RequestManager.handleSQLMacros(request.getSQL(),
00497         timestampResolution, false));
00499     // Ok, we have a backend, let's execute the request
00500     AbstractConnectionManager cm = backend.getConnectionManager(request
00501         .getLogin());
00503     // Sanity check
00504     if (cm == null)
00505     {
00506       String msg = Translate.get("loadbalancer.connectionmanager.not.found",
00507           new String[]{request.getLogin(), backend.getName()});
00508       logger.error(msg);
00509       throw new SQLException(msg);
00510     }
00512     // Execute the query
00513     if (request.isAutoCommit())
00514     {
00515       if (waitForCompletionPolicy.getPolicy() != WaitForCompletionPolicy.ALL)
00516         // We could do something finer grain here by waiting
00517         // only for writes that depend on the tables we need
00518         // but is that really worth the overhead ?
00519         waitForAllWritesToComplete(backend);
00521       ResultSet rs = null;
00522       boolean badConnection;
00523       do
00524       {
00525         badConnection = false;
00526         // Use a connection just for this request
00527         Connection c = null;
00528         try
00529         {
00530           c = cm.getConnection();
00531         }
00532         catch (UnreachableBackendException e1)
00533         {
00534           logger.error(Translate.get(
00535               "loadbalancer.backend.disabling.unreachable", backend.getName()));
00536           backend.disable();
00537           throw new UnreachableBackendException(Translate.get(
00538               "loadbalancer.backend.unreacheable", backend.getName()));
00539         }
00541         // Sanity check
00542         if (c == null)
00543           throw new UnreachableBackendException(
00544               "No more connections on backend " + backend.getName());
00546         // Execute Query
00547         try
00548         {
00549           rs = executeStatementOnBackend(request, backend, c);
00550           cm.releaseConnection(c);
00551         }
00552         catch (SQLException e)
00553         {
00554           cm.releaseConnection(c);
00555           throw new SQLException(Translate.get(
00556               "loadbalancer.request.failed.on.backend", new String[]{
00557                   request.getSQLShortForm(vdb.getSQLShortFormLength()),
00558                   backend.getName(), e.getMessage()}));
00559         }
00560         catch (BadConnectionException e)
00561         { // Get rid of the bad connection
00562           cm.deleteConnection(c);
00563           badConnection = true;
00564         }
00565       }
00566       while (badConnection);
00567       if (logger.isDebugEnabled())
00568         logger.debug(Translate.get("loadbalancer.execute.on", new String[]{
00569             String.valueOf(request.getId()), backend.getName()}));
00570       return rs;
00571     }
00572     else
00573     { // Inside a transaction
00574       Connection c;
00575       long tid = request.getTransactionId();
00576       Long lTid = new Long(tid);
00578       // Wait for previous writes to complete
00579       if (waitForCompletionPolicy.getPolicy() != WaitForCompletionPolicy.ALL)
00580         waitForAllWritesToComplete(backend, request.getTransactionId());
00582       if (!backend.isStartedTransaction(lTid))
00583       { // transaction has not been started yet on this backend
00584         try
00585         {
00586           c = cm.getConnection(tid);
00587         }
00588         catch (UnreachableBackendException e1)
00589         {
00590           logger.error(Translate.get(
00591               "loadbalancer.backend.disabling.unreachable", backend.getName()));
00592           backend.disable();
00593           throw new UnreachableBackendException(Translate.get(
00594               "loadbalancer.backend.unreacheable", backend.getName()));
00595         }
00597         // Sanity check
00598         if (c == null)
00599           throw new SQLException(Translate.get(
00600               "loadbalancer.unable.get.connection", new String[]{
00601                   String.valueOf(tid), backend.getName()}));
00603         // begin transaction
00604         backend.startTransaction(lTid);
00605         c.setAutoCommit(false);
00606       }
00607       else
00608       { // Re-use the connection used by this transaction
00609         c = cm.retrieveConnection(tid);
00611         // Sanity check
00612         if (c == null)
00613           throw new SQLException(Translate.get(
00614               "loadbalancer.unable.retrieve.connection", new String[]{
00615                   String.valueOf(tid), backend.getName()}));
00616       }
00618       // Execute Query
00619       ResultSet rs = null;
00620       try
00621       {
00622         rs = executeStatementOnBackend(request, backend, c);
00623       }
00624       catch (SQLException e)
00625       {
00626         throw new SQLException(Translate.get(
00627             "loadbalancer.request.failed.on.backend", new String[]{
00628                 request.getSQLShortForm(vdb.getSQLShortFormLength()),
00629                 backend.getName(), e.getMessage()}));
00630       }
00631       catch (BadConnectionException e)
00632       { // Connection failed, so did the transaction
00633         // Disable the backend.
00634         cm.deleteConnection(tid);
00635         String msg = Translate.get(
00636             "loadbalancer.backend.disabling.connection.failure", backend
00637                 .getName());
00638         logger.error(msg);
00639         backend.disable();
00640         throw new SQLException(msg);
00641       }
00642       if (logger.isDebugEnabled())
00643         logger.debug(Translate.get("loadbalancer.execute.transaction.on",
00644             new String[]{String.valueOf(tid), String.valueOf(request.getId()),
00645                 backend.getName()}));
00646       return rs;
00647     }
00648   }

ResultSet org.objectweb.cjdbc.controller.loadbalancer.AbstractLoadBalancer.executeStatementOnBackend SelectRequest  request,
DatabaseBackend  backend,
Connection  c
throws SQLException, BadConnectionException [protected, inherited]

Execute a statement on a backend. If the execution fails, the connection is checked for validity. If the connection was not valid, the query is automatically retried on a new connection.

request the request to execute
backend the backend on which the request is executed
c connection used to create the statement
the ResultSet
SQLException if an error occurs

AbstractLoadBalancer.java251 行で定義されています。

参照先 java.sql.Statement.executeQuery(), java.sql.Statement.setCursorName(), java.sql.Statement.setFetchSize(), java.sql.Statement.setMaxRows(), java.sql.Statement.setQueryTimeout(), org.objectweb.cjdbc.controller.backend.DriverCompliance.supportSetCursorName, org.objectweb.cjdbc.controller.backend.DriverCompliance.supportSetFetchSize, org.objectweb.cjdbc.controller.backend.DriverCompliance.supportSetMaxRows, と org.objectweb.cjdbc.controller.backend.DriverCompliance.supportSetQueryTimeout.

参照元 org.objectweb.cjdbc.controller.loadbalancer.singledb.SingleDB.execReadRequest().

00254   {
00255     ResultSet rs = null;
00256     try
00257     {
00258       backend.addPendingReadRequest(request);
00259       String sql = request.getSQL();
00260       // Rewrite the query if needed
00261       sql = backend.rewriteQuery(sql);
00262       // Execute the query
00263       Statement s = c.createStatement();
00264       DriverCompliance driverCompliance = backend.getDriverCompliance();
00265       if (driverCompliance.supportSetQueryTimeout())
00266         s.setQueryTimeout(request.getTimeout());
00267       if ((request.getCursorName() != null)
00268           && (driverCompliance.supportSetCursorName()))
00269         s.setCursorName(request.getCursorName());
00270       if ((request.getFetchSize() != 0)
00271           && driverCompliance.supportSetFetchSize())
00272         s.setFetchSize(request.getFetchSize());
00273       if ((request.getMaxRows() > 0) && driverCompliance.supportSetMaxRows())
00274         s.setMaxRows(request.getMaxRows());
00275       rs = s.executeQuery(sql);
00276     }
00277     catch (SQLException e)
00278     { // Something bad happened
00279       if (backend.isValidConnection(c))
00280         throw e; // Connection is valid, throw the exception
00281       else
00282         throw new BadConnectionException();
00283     }
00284     finally
00285     {
00286       backend.removePendingRequest(request);
00287     }
00288     return rs;
00289   }

java.sql.ResultSet org.objectweb.cjdbc.controller.loadbalancer.raidb2.RAIDb2.executeStoredProcedureOnBackend StoredProcedure  proc,
DatabaseBackend  backend
throws SQLException, UnreachableBackendException [protected, inherited]

Execute a stored procedure on the selected backend.

proc the stored procedure to execute
backend the backend that will execute the request
the ResultSet
SQLException if an error occurs

RAIDb2.java658 行で定義されています。

00661   {
00662     // Handle macros
00663     proc.setSQL(RequestManager.handleSQLMacros(proc.getSQL(),
00664         timestampResolution, false));
00666     // Ok, we have a backend, let's execute the request
00667     AbstractConnectionManager cm = backend
00668         .getConnectionManager(proc.getLogin());
00670     // Sanity check
00671     if (cm == null)
00672     {
00673       String msg = Translate.get("loadbalancer.connectionmanager.not.found",
00674           new String[]{proc.getLogin(), backend.getName()});
00675       logger.error(msg);
00676       throw new SQLException(msg);
00677     }
00679     // Execute the query
00680     if (proc.isAutoCommit())
00681     {
00682       if (waitForCompletionPolicy.getPolicy() != WaitForCompletionPolicy.ALL)
00683         // We could do something finer grain here by waiting
00684         // only for writes that depend on the tables we need
00685         // but is that really worth the overhead ?
00686         waitForAllWritesToComplete(backend);
00688       // Use a connection just for this request
00689       Connection c = null;
00690       try
00691       {
00692         c = cm.getConnection();
00693       }
00694       catch (UnreachableBackendException e1)
00695       {
00696         logger.error(Translate.get(
00697             "loadbalancer.backend.disabling.unreachable", backend.getName()));
00698         backend.disable();
00699         throw new UnreachableBackendException(Translate.get(
00700             "loadbalancer.backend.unreacheable", backend.getName()));
00701       }
00703       // Sanity check
00704       if (c == null)
00705         throw new SQLException(Translate.get(
00706             "loadbalancer.backend.no.connection", backend.getName()));
00708       // Execute Query
00709       ResultSet rs = null;
00710       try
00711       {
00712         // We suppose here that the request does not modify the schema since
00713         // it is a read-only query.
00714         CallableStatement cs = c.prepareCall(proc.getSQL());
00715         if (backend.getDriverCompliance().supportSetQueryTimeout())
00716           cs.setQueryTimeout(proc.getTimeout());
00717         if ((proc.getMaxRows() > 0)
00718             && backend.getDriverCompliance().supportSetMaxRows())
00719           cs.setMaxRows(proc.getMaxRows());
00720         rs = cs.executeQuery();
00721       }
00722       catch (SQLException e)
00723       {
00724         throw new SQLException(Translate.get(
00725             "loadbalancer.storedprocedure.failed.on.backend", new String[]{
00726                 proc.getSQLShortForm(vdb.getSQLShortFormLength()),
00727                 backend.getName(), e.getMessage()}));
00728       }
00729       finally
00730       {
00731         cm.releaseConnection(c);
00732       }
00733       if (logger.isDebugEnabled())
00734         logger.debug(Translate.get("loadbalancer.storedprocedure.on",
00735             new String[]{String.valueOf(proc.getId()), backend.getName()}));
00736       return rs;
00737     }
00738     else
00739     { // Inside a transaction
00740       Connection c;
00741       long tid = proc.getTransactionId();
00742       Long lTid = new Long(tid);
00744       // Wait for previous writes to complete
00745       if (waitForCompletionPolicy.getPolicy() != WaitForCompletionPolicy.ALL)
00746         waitForAllWritesToComplete(backend, proc.getTransactionId());
00748       if (!backend.isStartedTransaction(lTid))
00749       { // transaction has not been started yet on this backend
00750         try
00751         {
00752           c = cm.getConnection(tid);
00753         }
00754         catch (UnreachableBackendException e1)
00755         {
00756           logger.error(Translate.get(
00757               "loadbalancer.backend.disabling.unreachable", backend.getName()));
00758           backend.disable();
00759           throw new SQLException(Translate.get(
00760               "loadbalancer.backend.unreacheable", backend.getName()));
00761         }
00763         // Sanity check
00764         if (c == null)
00765           throw new SQLException(Translate.get(
00766               "loadbalancer.unable.get.connection", new String[]{
00767                   String.valueOf(tid), backend.getName()}));
00769         // begin transaction
00770         backend.startTransaction(lTid);
00771         c.setAutoCommit(false);
00772       }
00773       else
00774       { // Re-use the connection used by this transaction
00775         c = cm.retrieveConnection(tid);
00777         // Sanity check
00778         if (c == null)
00779           throw new SQLException(Translate.get(
00780               "loadbalancer.unable.retrieve.connection", new String[]{
00781                   String.valueOf(tid), backend.getName()}));
00782       }
00784       // Execute Query
00785       ResultSet rs;
00786       try
00787       {
00788         // We suppose here that the request does not modify the schema since
00789         // it is a read-only query.
00790         CallableStatement cs = c.prepareCall(proc.getSQL());
00791         if (backend.getDriverCompliance().supportSetQueryTimeout())
00792           cs.setQueryTimeout(proc.getTimeout());
00793         if ((proc.getMaxRows() > 0)
00794             && backend.getDriverCompliance().supportSetMaxRows())
00795           cs.setMaxRows(proc.getMaxRows());
00796         rs = cs.executeQuery();
00797       }
00798       catch (SQLException e)
00799       {
00800         throw new SQLException(Translate.get(
00801             "loadbalancer.storedprocedure.failed.on.backend", new String[]{
00802                 proc.getSQLShortForm(vdb.getSQLShortFormLength()),
00803                 backend.getName(), e.getMessage()}));
00804       }
00805       if (logger.isDebugEnabled())
00806         logger.debug(Translate.get("loadbalancer.execute.transaction.on",
00807             new String[]{String.valueOf(tid), String.valueOf(proc.getId()),
00808                 backend.getName()}));
00809       return rs;
00810     }
00811   }

int org.objectweb.cjdbc.controller.loadbalancer.raidb2.RAIDb2.execWriteRequest AbstractWriteRequest  request  )  throws AllBackendsFailedException, SQLException [virtual, inherited]

Performs a write request. This request is broadcasted to all nodes that owns the table to be written.

request an AbstractWriteRequest
number of rows affected by the request
AllBackendsFailedException if all backends failed to execute the request
SQLException if an error occurs


RAIDb2.java174 行で定義されています。

参照先 org.objectweb.cjdbc.controller.loadbalancer.raidb2.RAIDb2.execWriteRequestResult.

参照元 org.objectweb.cjdbc.controller.loadbalancer.raidb2.RAIDb2.execWriteRequestWithKeys().

00176   {
00177     execWriteRequest(request, false);
00178     return execWriteRequestResult;
00179   }

ResultSet org.objectweb.cjdbc.controller.loadbalancer.raidb2.RAIDb2.execWriteRequestWithKeys AbstractWriteRequest  request  )  throws AllBackendsFailedException, SQLException [virtual, inherited]

Perform a write request and return the auto generated keys.

request the request to execute
auto generated keys.
AllBackendsFailedException if all backends failed to execute the request
SQLException if an error occurs


RAIDb2.java190 行で定義されています。

参照先 org.objectweb.cjdbc.controller.loadbalancer.raidb2.RAIDb2.execWriteRequest(), と org.objectweb.cjdbc.controller.loadbalancer.raidb2.RAIDb2.execWriteRequestWithKeysResult.

00192   {
00193     execWriteRequest(request, true);
00194     return execWriteRequestWithKeysResult;
00195   }

int org.objectweb.cjdbc.controller.loadbalancer.raidb2.RAIDb2.execWriteStoredProcedure StoredProcedure  proc  )  throws SQLException [virtual, inherited]



RAIDb2.java827 行で定義されています。

参照先 org.objectweb.cjdbc.controller.loadbalancer.tasks.WriteStoredProcedureTask.getResult().

00828   {
00829     WriteStoredProcedureTask task = (WriteStoredProcedureTask) callStoredProcedure(
00830         proc, false);
00831     return task.getResult();
00832   }

String org.objectweb.cjdbc.controller.loadbalancer.raidb2.RAIDb2_RR.getInformation  )  [virtual]

Gets information about the request load balancer.

String containing information


RAIDb2_RR.java372 行で定義されています。

00373   {
00374     // We don't lock since we don't need a completely accurate value
00375     int size = vdb.getBackends().size();
00377     if (size == 0)
00378       return "RAIDb-2 Round-Robin Request load balancer: !!!Warning!!! No backend nodes found\n";
00379     else
00380       return "RAIDb-2 Round-Robin Request load balancer (" + size
00381           + " backends)\n";
00382   }

int org.objectweb.cjdbc.controller.loadbalancer.AbstractLoadBalancer.getParsingGranularity  )  [inherited]

Get the needed query parsing granularity.

needed query parsing granularity

AbstractLoadBalancer.java151 行で定義されています。

参照元 org.objectweb.cjdbc.controller.requestmanager.RequestManager.setLoadBalancer().

00152   {
00153     return parsingGranularity;
00154   }

String org.objectweb.cjdbc.controller.loadbalancer.raidb2.RAIDb2_RR.getRaidb2Xml  )  [virtual]



RAIDb2_RR.java387 行で定義されています。

00388   {
00389     return "<" + DatabasesXmlTags.ELT_RAIDb_2_RoundRobin + "/>";
00390   }

int org.objectweb.cjdbc.controller.loadbalancer.AbstractLoadBalancer.getRAIDbLevel  )  [inherited]

Returns the RAIDbLevel.

int the RAIDb level

AbstractLoadBalancer.java131 行で定義されています。

参照先 org.objectweb.cjdbc.controller.loadbalancer.AbstractLoadBalancer.raidbLevel.

参照元 org.objectweb.cjdbc.controller.requestmanager.RequestManager.assignAndCheckSchedulerLoadBalancerValidity().

00132   {
00133     return raidbLevel;
00134   }

String org.objectweb.cjdbc.controller.loadbalancer.AbstractLoadBalancer.getXml  )  [inherited]


AbstractLoadBalancer.java385 行で定義されています。

参照先 org.objectweb.cjdbc.controller.loadbalancer.AbstractLoadBalancer.getXmlImpl().

00386   {
00387     StringBuffer info = new StringBuffer();
00388     info.append("<" + DatabasesXmlTags.ELT_LoadBalancer + ">");
00389     info.append(getXmlImpl());
00390     info.append("</" + DatabasesXmlTags.ELT_LoadBalancer + ">");
00391     return info.toString();
00392   }

String org.objectweb.cjdbc.controller.loadbalancer.raidb2.RAIDb2.getXmlImpl  )  [virtual, inherited]




RAIDb2.java1515 行で定義されています。

01516   {
01517     StringBuffer info = new StringBuffer();
01518     info.append("<" + DatabasesXmlTags.ELT_RAIDb_2 + " "
01519         + DatabasesXmlTags.ATT_timestampResolution + "=\""
01520         + timestampResolution + "\" >");
01521     if (createTablePolicy != null)
01522       info.append(createTablePolicy.getXml());
01523     if (waitForCompletionPolicy != null)
01524       info.append(waitForCompletionPolicy.getXml());
01525     this.getRaidb2Xml();
01526     info.append("</" + DatabasesXmlTags.ELT_RAIDb_2 + ">");
01527     return info.toString();
01528   }

void org.objectweb.cjdbc.controller.loadbalancer.raidb2.RAIDb2.rollback TransactionMarkerMetaData  tm  )  throws SQLException [virtual, inherited]

Rollbacks a transaction.

tm the transaction marker metadata
SQLException if an error occurs


RAIDb2.java1131 行で定義されています。

参照先 org.objectweb.cjdbc.controller.loadbalancer.BackendWorkerThread.addTask(), org.objectweb.cjdbc.controller.loadbalancer.BackendWorkerThread.getBackend(), org.objectweb.cjdbc.controller.loadbalancer.tasks.AbstractTask.getFailed(), org.objectweb.cjdbc.controller.loadbalancer.tasks.AbstractTask.getSuccess(), と org.objectweb.cjdbc.controller.backend.DatabaseBackend.isStartedTransaction().

01132   {
01133     if (waitForCompletionPolicy.getPolicy() != WaitForCompletionPolicy.ALL)
01134       waitForAllWritesToComplete(tm.getTransactionId());
01136     try
01137     {
01138       backendNonBlockingThreadsRWLock.acquireRead();
01139     }
01140     catch (InterruptedException e)
01141     {
01142       String msg = Translate.get(
01143           "loadbalancer.backendlist.acquire.readlock.failed", e);
01144       logger.error(msg);
01145       throw new SQLException(msg);
01146     }
01147     int nbOfThreads = backendNonBlockingThreads.size();
01148     ArrayList rollbackList = new ArrayList();
01149     Long iTid = new Long(tm.getTransactionId());
01151     // Build the list of backend that need to rollback this transaction
01152     for (int i = 0; i < nbOfThreads; i++)
01153     {
01154       BackendWorkerThread thread = (BackendWorkerThread) backendNonBlockingThreads
01155           .get(i);
01156       if (thread.getBackend().isStartedTransaction(iTid))
01157         rollbackList.add(thread);
01158     }
01160     nbOfThreads = rollbackList.size();
01161     if (nbOfThreads == 0)
01162     {
01163       backendNonBlockingThreadsRWLock.releaseRead();
01164       return;
01165     }
01167     // Create the task
01168     RollbackTask task = new RollbackTask(getNbToWait(nbOfThreads), nbOfThreads,
01169         tm.getTimeout(), tm.getLogin(), tm.getTransactionId());
01171     synchronized (task)
01172     {
01173       // Post the task in each backendThread tasklist and wakeup the threads
01174       for (int i = 0; i < nbOfThreads; i++)
01175       {
01176         BackendWorkerThread thread = (BackendWorkerThread) rollbackList.get(i);
01177         synchronized (thread)
01178         {
01179           thread.addTask(task);
01180           thread.notify();
01181         }
01182       }
01184       backendNonBlockingThreadsRWLock.releaseRead();
01186       // Wait for completion (notified by the task)
01187       try
01188       {
01189         // Wait on task
01190         long timeout = tm.getTimeout();
01191         if (timeout > 0)
01192         {
01193           long start = System.currentTimeMillis();
01194           task.wait(timeout);
01195           long end = System.currentTimeMillis();
01196           long remaining = timeout - (end - start);
01197           if (remaining <= 0)
01198           {
01199             String msg = Translate.get("loadbalancer.rollback.timeout",
01200                 new String[]{String.valueOf(tm.getTransactionId()),
01201                     String.valueOf(task.getSuccess()),
01202                     String.valueOf(task.getFailed())});
01203             logger.warn(msg);
01204             throw new SQLException(msg);
01205           }
01206         }
01207         else
01208           task.wait();
01209       }
01210       catch (InterruptedException e)
01211       {
01212         throw new SQLException(Translate.get("loadbalancer.rollback.timeout",
01213             new String[]{String.valueOf(tm.getTransactionId()),
01214                 String.valueOf(task.getSuccess()),
01215                 String.valueOf(task.getFailed())}));
01216       }
01218       if (task.getSuccess() > 0)
01219         return;
01220       else
01221       { // All tasks failed
01222         ArrayList exceptions = task.getExceptions();
01223         if (exceptions == null)
01224           throw new SQLException(Translate.get(
01225               "loadbalancer.rollback.all.failed", tm.getTransactionId()));
01226         else
01227         {
01228           String errorMsg = Translate.get("loadbalancer.rollback.failed.stack",
01229               tm.getTransactionId())
01230               + "\n";
01231           for (int i = 0; i < exceptions.size(); i++)
01232             errorMsg += ((SQLException) exceptions.get(i)).getMessage() + "\n";
01233           logger.error(errorMsg);
01234           throw new SQLException(errorMsg);
01235         }
01236       }
01237     }
01238   }

void org.objectweb.cjdbc.controller.loadbalancer.AbstractLoadBalancer.setParsingGranularity int  parsingGranularity  )  [inherited]

Set the needed query parsing granularity.

parsingGranularity the granularity to set

AbstractLoadBalancer.java161 行で定義されています。

00162   {
00163     this.parsingGranularity = parsingGranularity;
00164   }

void org.objectweb.cjdbc.controller.loadbalancer.AbstractLoadBalancer.setRAIDbLevel int  raidbLevel  )  [inherited]

Sets the RAIDbLevel.

raidbLevel The RAIDb level to set

AbstractLoadBalancer.java141 行で定義されています。

00142   {
00143     this.raidbLevel = raidbLevel;
00144   }

void org.objectweb.cjdbc.controller.loadbalancer.AbstractLoadBalancer.setWeight String  name,
int  w
throws SQLException [inherited]

Associate a weight to a backend identified by its logical name.

name the backend name
w the weight
SQLException if an error occurs

org.objectweb.cjdbc.controller.loadbalancer.raidb0.RAIDb0, org.objectweb.cjdbc.controller.loadbalancer.raidb1.RAIDb1_WRR, org.objectweb.cjdbc.controller.loadbalancer.raidb1.RAIDb1ec_WRR, org.objectweb.cjdbc.controller.loadbalancer.raidb2.RAIDb2_WRR, org.objectweb.cjdbc.controller.loadbalancer.raidb2.RAIDb2ec_WRR, と org.objectweb.cjdbc.controller.loadbalancer.singledb.SingleDBで再定義されています。

AbstractLoadBalancer.java359 行で定義されています。

00360   {
00361     throw new SQLException("Weight is not supported by this load balancer");
00362   }

void org.objectweb.cjdbc.controller.loadbalancer.raidb2.RAIDb2.waitForAllWritesToComplete DatabaseBackend  backend  )  throws SQLException [protected, inherited]

Waits for all writes in the blocking thread queue of the given backend to complete.


RAIDb2.java1312 行で定義されています。

参照先 org.objectweb.cjdbc.controller.loadbalancer.BackendWorkerThread.getBackend(), と org.objectweb.cjdbc.controller.loadbalancer.BackendWorkerThread.waitForAllTasksToComplete().

01314   {
01315     try
01316     {
01317       backendBlockingThreadsRWLock.acquireRead();
01318     }
01319     catch (InterruptedException e)
01320     {
01321       String msg = Translate.get(
01322           "loadbalancer.backendlist.acquire.readlock.failed", e);
01323       logger.error(msg);
01324       throw new SQLException(msg);
01325     }
01327     int nbOfThreads = backendBlockingThreads.size();
01329     for (int i = 0; i < nbOfThreads; i++)
01330     {
01331       BackendWorkerThread thread = (BackendWorkerThread) backendBlockingThreads
01332           .get(i);
01333       if (thread.getBackend() == backend)
01334         thread.waitForAllTasksToComplete();
01335     }
01337     backendBlockingThreadsRWLock.releaseRead();
01338   }

void org.objectweb.cjdbc.controller.loadbalancer.raidb2.RAIDb2.waitForAllWritesToComplete DatabaseBackend  backend,
long  transactionId
throws SQLException [protected, inherited]

Waits for all writes of the given transaction in the blocking thread queue of the given backend to complete before being able to complete the transaction.


RAIDb2.java1278 行で定義されています。

参照先 org.objectweb.cjdbc.controller.loadbalancer.BackendWorkerThread.getBackend(), と org.objectweb.cjdbc.controller.loadbalancer.BackendWorkerThread.waitForAllTasksToComplete().

01280   {
01281     try
01282     {
01283       backendBlockingThreadsRWLock.acquireRead();
01284     }
01285     catch (InterruptedException e)
01286     {
01287       String msg = Translate.get(
01288           "loadbalancer.backendlist.acquire.readlock.failed", e);
01289       logger.error(msg);
01290       throw new SQLException(msg);
01291     }
01293     int nbOfThreads = backendBlockingThreads.size();
01295     for (int i = 0; i < nbOfThreads; i++)
01296     {
01297       BackendWorkerThread thread = (BackendWorkerThread) backendBlockingThreads
01298           .get(i);
01299       if (thread.getBackend() == backend)
01300         thread.waitForAllTasksToComplete(transactionId);
01301     }
01303     backendBlockingThreadsRWLock.releaseRead();
01304   }

void org.objectweb.cjdbc.controller.loadbalancer.raidb2.RAIDb2.waitForAllWritesToComplete long  transactionId  )  throws SQLException [protected, inherited]

Waits for all writes of the given transaction in the blocking thread queue to complete before being able to complete the transaction.

RAIDb2.java1244 行で定義されています。

参照先 org.objectweb.cjdbc.controller.loadbalancer.BackendWorkerThread.waitForAllTasksToComplete().

参照元 org.objectweb.cjdbc.controller.loadbalancer.raidb2.RAIDb2.execWriteRequest().

01246   {
01247     try
01248     {
01249       backendBlockingThreadsRWLock.acquireRead();
01250     }
01251     catch (InterruptedException e)
01252     {
01253       String msg = Translate.get(
01254           "loadbalancer.backendlist.acquire.readlock.failed", e);
01255       logger.error(msg);
01256       throw new SQLException(msg);
01257     }
01259     int nbOfThreads = backendBlockingThreads.size();
01261     for (int i = 0; i < nbOfThreads; i++)
01262     {
01263       BackendWorkerThread thread = (BackendWorkerThread) backendBlockingThreads
01264           .get(i);
01265       thread.waitForAllTasksToComplete(transactionId);
01266     }
01268     backendBlockingThreadsRWLock.releaseRead();
01269   }


ArrayList org.objectweb.cjdbc.controller.loadbalancer.raidb2.RAIDb2.backendBlockingThreads [protected, inherited]

RAIDb2.java87 行で定義されています。

ReadPrioritaryFIFOWriteLock org.objectweb.cjdbc.controller.loadbalancer.raidb2.RAIDb2.backendBlockingThreadsRWLock = new ReadPrioritaryFIFOWriteLock() [protected, inherited]

RAIDb2.java89 行で定義されています。

ArrayList org.objectweb.cjdbc.controller.loadbalancer.raidb2.RAIDb2.backendNonBlockingThreads [protected, inherited]

RAIDb2.java88 行で定義されています。

ReadPrioritaryFIFOWriteLock org.objectweb.cjdbc.controller.loadbalancer.raidb2.RAIDb2.backendNonBlockingThreadsRWLock = new ReadPrioritaryFIFOWriteLock() [protected, inherited]

RAIDb2.java90 行で定義されています。

CreateTablePolicy org.objectweb.cjdbc.controller.loadbalancer.raidb2.RAIDb2.createTablePolicy [protected, inherited]

RAIDb2.java93 行で定義されています。

int org.objectweb.cjdbc.controller.loadbalancer.raidb2.RAIDb2_RR.index [private]

RAIDb2_RR.java58 行で定義されています。

Trace org.objectweb.cjdbc.controller.loadbalancer.raidb2.RAIDb2.logger [static, protected, inherited]





RAIDb2.java96 行で定義されています。

int org.objectweb.cjdbc.controller.loadbalancer.AbstractLoadBalancer.parsingGranularity [protected, inherited]

AbstractLoadBalancer.java74 行で定義されています。

int org.objectweb.cjdbc.controller.loadbalancer.AbstractLoadBalancer.raidbLevel [protected, inherited]

AbstractLoadBalancer.java73 行で定義されています。

参照元 org.objectweb.cjdbc.controller.loadbalancer.AbstractLoadBalancer.AbstractLoadBalancer(), と org.objectweb.cjdbc.controller.loadbalancer.AbstractLoadBalancer.getRAIDbLevel().

VirtualDatabase org.objectweb.cjdbc.controller.loadbalancer.AbstractLoadBalancer.vdb [protected, inherited]

AbstractLoadBalancer.java72 行で定義されています。

参照元 org.objectweb.cjdbc.controller.loadbalancer.AbstractLoadBalancer.AbstractLoadBalancer().

WaitForCompletionPolicy org.objectweb.cjdbc.controller.loadbalancer.raidb2.RAIDb2.waitForCompletionPolicy [protected, inherited]

RAIDb2.java92 行で定義されています。

CJDBCversion1.0rc6に対してWed May 5 18:02:41 2004に生成されました。 doxygen 1.3.6