クラス org.objectweb.cjdbc.controller.loadbalancer.tasks.WriteRequestTask


Inheritance graph

Collaboration graph


Executes a AbstractWriteRequest statement.

Emmanuel Cecchet

Julie Marguerite


WriteRequestTask.java47 行で定義されています。

Public メソッド

 WriteRequestTask (int nbToComplete, int totalNb, AbstractWriteRequest request)
void execute (BackendWorkerThread backendThread) throws SQLException
int getResult ()
String toString ()
boolean hasTid ()
synchronized void notifySuccess ()
synchronized boolean notifyFailure (BackendWorkerThread backendThread, long timeout, SQLException e) throws SQLException
ArrayList getExceptions ()
int getFailed ()
int getNbToComplete ()
int getSuccess ()
int getTotalNb ()
void setTotalNb (int totalNb)
void setHasTid (boolean hasTid)

Private 変数

AbstractWriteRequest request
int result


org.objectweb.cjdbc.controller.loadbalancer.tasks.WriteRequestTask.WriteRequestTask int  nbToComplete,
int  totalNb,
AbstractWriteRequest  request

Creates a new WriteRequestTask.

nbToComplete number of threads that must succeed before returning
totalNb total number of threads
request an AbstractWriteRequest

WriteRequestTask.java59 行で定義されています。

00061   {
00062     super(nbToComplete, totalNb);
00063     this.request = request;
00064   }


void org.objectweb.cjdbc.controller.loadbalancer.tasks.WriteRequestTask.execute BackendWorkerThread  backendThread  )  throws SQLException [virtual]

Executes a write request with the given backend thread.

backendThread the backend thread that will execute the task
SQLException if an error occurs


WriteRequestTask.java72 行で定義されています。

参照先 org.objectweb.cjdbc.common.sql.schema.DatabaseSchema.addTable(), org.objectweb.cjdbc.controller.backend.DatabaseBackend.disable(), java.sql.Statement.executeUpdate(), org.objectweb.cjdbc.controller.connection.AbstractConnectionManager.getConnection(), org.objectweb.cjdbc.controller.backend.DatabaseBackend.getConnectionManager(), org.objectweb.cjdbc.controller.backend.DatabaseBackend.getDatabaseSchema(), org.objectweb.cjdbc.controller.backend.DatabaseBackend.getDriverCompliance(), org.objectweb.cjdbc.controller.backend.DatabaseBackend.getName(), org.objectweb.cjdbc.common.sql.AbstractRequest.getSQL(), org.objectweb.cjdbc.common.sql.AbstractRequest.getSQLShortForm(), org.objectweb.cjdbc.controller.backend.DatabaseBackend.getSQLShortFormLength(), org.objectweb.cjdbc.controller.loadbalancer.tasks.AbstractTask.getSuccess(), org.objectweb.cjdbc.common.sql.schema.DatabaseSchema.getTable(), org.objectweb.cjdbc.common.sql.AbstractWriteRequest.getTableName(), org.objectweb.cjdbc.common.sql.AbstractRequest.getTimeout(), org.objectweb.cjdbc.common.sql.AbstractRequest.getTransactionId(), org.objectweb.cjdbc.common.sql.AbstractRequest.isAutoCommit, org.objectweb.cjdbc.common.sql.AbstractWriteRequest.isCreate(), org.objectweb.cjdbc.common.sql.AbstractWriteRequest.isDrop(), org.objectweb.cjdbc.controller.backend.DatabaseBackend.isStartedTransaction(), org.objectweb.cjdbc.controller.loadbalancer.tasks.AbstractTask.notifyFailure(), org.objectweb.cjdbc.controller.loadbalancer.tasks.AbstractTask.notifySuccess(), org.objectweb.cjdbc.controller.connection.AbstractConnectionManager.releaseConnection(), org.objectweb.cjdbc.common.sql.schema.DatabaseSchema.removeTable(), org.objectweb.cjdbc.controller.connection.AbstractConnectionManager.retrieveConnection(), org.objectweb.cjdbc.controller.backend.DatabaseBackend.rewriteQuery(), java.sql.Statement.setQueryTimeout(), org.objectweb.cjdbc.controller.backend.DatabaseBackend.startTransaction(), と org.objectweb.cjdbc.controller.backend.DriverCompliance.supportSetQueryTimeout.

00073   {
00074     DatabaseBackend backend = backendThread.getBackend();
00076     AbstractConnectionManager cm = backend.getConnectionManager(request
00077         .getLogin());
00079     if (request.isAutoCommit())
00080     { // Use a connection just for this request
00081       Connection c = null;
00082       try
00083       {
00084         c = cm.getConnection();
00085       }
00086       catch (UnreachableBackendException e1)
00087       {
00088         backendThread.getLogger().error(
00089             "Disabling backend " + backend.getName()
00090                 + " because it is no more reachable.");
00091         backend.disable();
00092         throw new SQLException("Backend " + backend.getName()
00093             + " is no more reachable.");
00094       }
00096       // Sanity check
00097       if (c == null)
00098       {
00099         SQLException se = new SQLException("No more connections");
00100         try
00101         { // All backends failed, just ignore
00102           if (!notifyFailure(backendThread, (long) request.getTimeout() * 1000,
00103               se))
00104             return;
00105         }
00106         catch (SQLException ignore)
00107         {
00108         }
00109         // Disable this backend (it is no more in sync) by killing the backend
00110         // thread
00111         backendThread.kill();
00112         String msg = "Request '"
00113             + request.getSQLShortForm(backend.getSQLShortFormLength())
00114             + "' failed on backend " + backend.getName() + " but "
00115             + getSuccess() + " succeeded (" + se + ")";
00116         backendThread.getLogger().error(msg);
00117         throw new SQLException(msg);
00118       }
00120       // Execute Query
00121       try
00122       {
00123         Statement s = c.createStatement();
00124         if (backend.getDriverCompliance().supportSetQueryTimeout())
00125           s.setQueryTimeout(request.getTimeout());
00127         String sql = request.getSQL();
00128         // Rewrite the query if needed
00129         sql = backend.rewriteQuery(sql);
00130         result = s.executeUpdate(sql);
00132         // Update schema
00133         if (request.isCreate())
00134         { // Add the table to the schema
00135           DatabaseSchema dbs = backend.getDatabaseSchema();
00136           if (dbs != null)
00137           {
00138             DatabaseTable t = ((CreateRequest) request).getDatabaseTable();
00139             if (t != null)
00140             {
00141               dbs.addTable(t);
00142               if (backendThread.getLogger().isDebugEnabled())
00143                 backendThread.getLogger().debug(
00144                     "Added table '" + request.getTableName()
00145                         + "' to backend database schema");
00146             }
00147           }
00148         }
00149         else if (request.isDrop())
00150         { // Delete the table from the schema
00151           DatabaseSchema dbs = backend.getDatabaseSchema();
00152           if (dbs != null)
00153           {
00154             DatabaseTable t = dbs.getTable(request.getTableName());
00155             if (t != null)
00156             {
00157               dbs.removeTable(t);
00158               if (backendThread.getLogger().isDebugEnabled())
00159                 backendThread.getLogger().debug(
00160                     "Removed table '" + request.getTableName()
00161                         + "' from backend database schema");
00162             }
00163           }
00164         }
00165       }
00166       catch (SQLException e)
00167       {
00168         try
00169         { // All backends failed, just ignore
00170           if (!notifyFailure(backendThread, (long) request.getTimeout() * 1000,
00171               e))
00172             return;
00173         }
00174         catch (SQLException ignore)
00175         {
00176         }
00177         // Disable this backend (it is no more in sync) by killing the backend
00178         // thread
00179         backendThread.kill();
00180         String msg = "Request '"
00181             + request.getSQLShortForm(backend.getSQLShortFormLength())
00182             + "' failed on backend " + backend.getName() + " but "
00183             + getSuccess() + " succeeded (" + e + ")";
00184         backendThread.getLogger().error(msg);
00185         throw new SQLException(msg);
00186       }
00187       finally
00188       {
00189         cm.releaseConnection(c);
00190       }
00191     }
00192     else
00193     { // Re-use the connection used by this transaction
00194       Connection c;
00195       long tid = request.getTransactionId();
00196       Long lTid = new Long(tid);
00198       if (!backend.isStartedTransaction(lTid))
00199       { // Transaction has not been started yet, this is a lazy begin
00200         try
00201         {
00202           c = cm.getConnection(tid);
00203         }
00204         catch (UnreachableBackendException e1)
00205         {
00206           backendThread.getLogger().error(
00207               "Disabling backend " + backend.getName()
00208                   + " because it is no more reachable.");
00209           backend.disable();
00210           throw new SQLException("Backend " + backend.getName()
00211               + " is no more reachable.");
00212         }
00214         // Sanity check
00215         if (c == null)
00216         { // Bad connection
00217           SQLException se = new SQLException(
00218               "Unable to get connection for transaction " + tid);
00219           try
00220           { // All backends failed, just ignore
00221             if (!notifyFailure(backendThread,
00222                 (long) request.getTimeout() * 1000, se))
00223               return;
00224           }
00225           catch (SQLException ignore)
00226           {
00227           }
00228           // Disable this backend (it is no more in sync) by killing the
00229           // backend thread
00230           backendThread.kill();
00231           String msg = "Request '"
00232               + request.getSQLShortForm(backend.getSQLShortFormLength())
00233               + "' failed on backend " + backend.getName() + " but "
00234               + getSuccess() + " succeeded (" + se + ")";
00235           backendThread.getLogger().error(msg);
00236           throw new SQLException(msg);
00237         }
00239         // begin transaction
00240         backend.startTransaction(lTid);
00241         c.setAutoCommit(false);
00242       }
00243       else
00244       { // Transaction has already been started, retrieve connection
00245         c = cm.retrieveConnection(tid);
00247         // Sanity check
00248         if (c == null)
00249         { // Bad connection
00250           SQLException se = new SQLException(
00251               "Unable to retrieve connection for transaction " + tid);
00252           try
00253           { // All backends failed, just ignore
00254             if (!notifyFailure(backendThread,
00255                 (long) request.getTimeout() * 1000, se))
00256               return;
00257           }
00258           catch (SQLException ignore)
00259           {
00260           }
00261           // Disable this backend (it is no more in sync) by killing the
00262           // backend thread
00263           backendThread.kill();
00264           String msg = "Request '"
00265               + request.getSQLShortForm(backend.getSQLShortFormLength())
00266               + "' failed on backend " + backend.getName() + " but "
00267               + getSuccess() + " succeeded (" + se + ")";
00268           backendThread.getLogger().error(msg);
00269           throw new SQLException(msg);
00270         }
00271       }
00273       // Execute Query
00274       try
00275       {
00276         Statement s = c.createStatement();
00277         if (backend.getDriverCompliance().supportSetQueryTimeout())
00278           s.setQueryTimeout(request.getTimeout());
00280         String sql = request.getSQL();
00281         // Rewrite the query if needed
00282         sql = backend.rewriteQuery(sql);
00283         result = s.executeUpdate(sql);
00285         // Update schema
00286         if (request.isCreate())
00287         { // Add the table to the schema
00288           DatabaseSchema dbs = backend.getDatabaseSchema();
00289           if (dbs != null)
00290           {
00291             DatabaseTable t = ((CreateRequest) request).getDatabaseTable();
00292             if (t != null)
00293             {
00294               dbs.addTable(t);
00295               if (backendThread.getLogger().isDebugEnabled())
00296                 backendThread.getLogger().debug(
00297                     "Added table '" + request.getTableName()
00298                         + "' to backend database schema");
00299             }
00300           }
00301         }
00302         else if (request.isDrop())
00303         { // Delete the table from the schema
00304           DatabaseSchema dbs = backend.getDatabaseSchema();
00305           if (dbs != null)
00306           {
00307             DatabaseTable t = dbs.getTable(request.getTableName());
00308             if (t != null)
00309             {
00310               dbs.removeTable(t);
00311               if (backendThread.getLogger().isDebugEnabled())
00312                 backendThread.getLogger().debug(
00313                     "Removed table '" + request.getTableName()
00314                         + "' from backend database schema");
00315             }
00316           }
00317         }
00318       }
00319       catch (SQLException e)
00320       {
00321         try
00322         { // All backends failed, just ignore
00323           if (!notifyFailure(backendThread, (long) request.getTimeout() * 1000,
00324               e))
00325             return;
00326         }
00327         catch (SQLException ignore)
00328         {
00329         }
00330         // Disable this backend (it is no more in sync) by killing the backend
00331         // thread
00332         backendThread.kill();
00333         String msg = "Request '"
00334             + request.getSQLShortForm(backend.getSQLShortFormLength())
00335             + "' failed on backend " + backend.getName() + " but "
00336             + getSuccess() + " succeeded (" + e + ")";
00337         backendThread.getLogger().error(msg);
00338         throw new SQLException(msg);
00339       }
00340     }
00341     notifySuccess();
00342   }

ArrayList org.objectweb.cjdbc.controller.loadbalancer.tasks.AbstractTask.getExceptions  )  [inherited]

Returns the exceptions lists.

an ArrayList

AbstractTask.java167 行で定義されています。

参照先 org.objectweb.cjdbc.controller.loadbalancer.tasks.AbstractTask.exceptions.

00168   {
00169     return exceptions;
00170   }

int org.objectweb.cjdbc.controller.loadbalancer.tasks.AbstractTask.getFailed  )  [inherited]

Returns the failed.

an int value

AbstractTask.java177 行で定義されています。

参照先 org.objectweb.cjdbc.controller.loadbalancer.tasks.AbstractTask.failed.

参照元 org.objectweb.cjdbc.controller.loadbalancer.raidb2.RAIDb2.callStoredProcedure(), org.objectweb.cjdbc.controller.loadbalancer.raidb1.RAIDb1.callStoredProcedure(), org.objectweb.cjdbc.controller.loadbalancer.raidb2.RAIDb2.commit(), org.objectweb.cjdbc.controller.loadbalancer.raidb1.RAIDb1.commit(), org.objectweb.cjdbc.controller.loadbalancer.raidb0.RAIDb0.commit(), org.objectweb.cjdbc.controller.loadbalancer.raidb1.RAIDb1.execWriteRequest(), org.objectweb.cjdbc.controller.loadbalancer.raidb2.RAIDb2.rollback(), org.objectweb.cjdbc.controller.loadbalancer.raidb1.RAIDb1.rollback(), と org.objectweb.cjdbc.controller.loadbalancer.raidb0.RAIDb0.rollback().

00178   {
00179     return failed;
00180   }

int org.objectweb.cjdbc.controller.loadbalancer.tasks.AbstractTask.getNbToComplete  )  [inherited]

Returns the number of threads that must succeed before returning.

an int value

AbstractTask.java187 行で定義されています。

参照先 org.objectweb.cjdbc.controller.loadbalancer.tasks.AbstractTask.nbToComplete.

00188   {
00189     return nbToComplete;
00190   }

int org.objectweb.cjdbc.controller.loadbalancer.tasks.WriteRequestTask.getResult  ) 

Returns the result.


WriteRequestTask.java349 行で定義されています。

00350   {
00351     return result;
00352   }

int org.objectweb.cjdbc.controller.loadbalancer.tasks.AbstractTask.getSuccess  )  [inherited]

Returns the success.

an int value

AbstractTask.java197 行で定義されています。

参照先 org.objectweb.cjdbc.controller.loadbalancer.tasks.AbstractTask.success.

参照元 org.objectweb.cjdbc.controller.loadbalancer.raidb2.RAIDb2.callStoredProcedure(), org.objectweb.cjdbc.controller.loadbalancer.raidb1.RAIDb1.callStoredProcedure(), org.objectweb.cjdbc.controller.loadbalancer.raidb2.RAIDb2.commit(), org.objectweb.cjdbc.controller.loadbalancer.raidb1.RAIDb1.commit(), org.objectweb.cjdbc.controller.loadbalancer.raidb0.RAIDb0.commit(), org.objectweb.cjdbc.controller.loadbalancer.tasks.WriteStoredProcedureTask.execute(), org.objectweb.cjdbc.controller.loadbalancer.tasks.WriteRequestWithKeysTask.execute(), org.objectweb.cjdbc.controller.loadbalancer.tasks.WriteRequestTask.execute(), org.objectweb.cjdbc.controller.loadbalancer.tasks.RollbackTask.execute(), org.objectweb.cjdbc.controller.loadbalancer.tasks.ReadStoredProcedureTask.execute(), org.objectweb.cjdbc.controller.loadbalancer.tasks.CommitTask.execute(), org.objectweb.cjdbc.controller.loadbalancer.raidb1.RAIDb1.execWriteRequest(), org.objectweb.cjdbc.controller.loadbalancer.raidb2.RAIDb2.rollback(), org.objectweb.cjdbc.controller.loadbalancer.raidb1.RAIDb1.rollback(), と org.objectweb.cjdbc.controller.loadbalancer.raidb0.RAIDb0.rollback().

00198   {
00199     return success;
00200   }

int org.objectweb.cjdbc.controller.loadbalancer.tasks.AbstractTask.getTotalNb  )  [inherited]

Returns the total number of threads.

an int value

AbstractTask.java208 行で定義されています。

参照先 org.objectweb.cjdbc.controller.loadbalancer.tasks.AbstractTask.totalNb.

00209   {
00210     return totalNb;
00211   }

boolean org.objectweb.cjdbc.controller.loadbalancer.tasks.AbstractTask.hasTid  )  [inherited]

Returns true if this task has a tid attached to it.

Used internally by BackendWorkerThread.

Returns the hasTid.

AbstractTask.java231 行で定義されています。

00232   {
00233     return hasTid;
00234   }

synchronized boolean org.objectweb.cjdbc.controller.loadbalancer.tasks.AbstractTask.notifyFailure BackendWorkerThread  backendThread,
long  timeout,
SQLException  e
throws SQLException [inherited]

Notifies that the specified backendThread failed to execute this task. If all nodes failed, this method return false meaning that the problem was due to the task and not to the thread. If the method returns true, it can mean that this thread failed and is no more coherent, therefore the backend associated to this thread should be disabled.

backendThread the backend thread that has failed
timeout time in milliseconds to wait for other threads to signal success or failure
e the exception causing the failure
true if at least one node succeeded to execute this task, false if all threads failed
SQLException if an error occured in the notification process

AbstractTask.java127 行で定義されています。

参照先 org.objectweb.cjdbc.controller.loadbalancer.tasks.AbstractTask.exceptions, org.objectweb.cjdbc.controller.loadbalancer.tasks.AbstractTask.failed, org.objectweb.cjdbc.controller.loadbalancer.tasks.AbstractTask.success, と org.objectweb.cjdbc.controller.loadbalancer.tasks.AbstractTask.totalNb.

参照元 org.objectweb.cjdbc.controller.loadbalancer.tasks.WriteStoredProcedureTask.execute(), org.objectweb.cjdbc.controller.loadbalancer.tasks.WriteRequestWithKeysTask.execute(), org.objectweb.cjdbc.controller.loadbalancer.tasks.WriteRequestTask.execute(), org.objectweb.cjdbc.controller.loadbalancer.tasks.SelectRequestTask.execute(), org.objectweb.cjdbc.controller.loadbalancer.tasks.RollbackTask.execute(), org.objectweb.cjdbc.controller.loadbalancer.tasks.ReadStoredProcedureTask.execute(), org.objectweb.cjdbc.controller.loadbalancer.tasks.CommitTask.execute(), org.objectweb.cjdbc.controller.loadbalancer.tasks.BeginTask.execute(), と org.objectweb.cjdbc.controller.loadbalancer.BackendWorkerThread.kill().

00129   {
00130     failed++;
00132     // Log the exception
00133     if (exceptions == null)
00134       exceptions = new ArrayList();
00135     exceptions.add(new SQLException("BackendThread "
00136         + backendThread.getBackend().getName() + " failed (" + e + ")"));
00138     // Notify if needed
00139     if (success + failed == totalNb)
00140     {
00141       notifyAll(); // Notify all failed threads
00142     }
00143     else
00144     {
00145       try
00146       { // Wait to check if all other threads failed or not
00147         wait(timeout);
00148       }
00149       catch (InterruptedException ie)
00150       {
00151         throw new SQLException("Wait interrupted() in failed task of backend "
00152             + backendThread.getBackend().getName() + " (" + e + ")");
00153       }
00154     }
00155     return success > 0;
00156   }

synchronized void org.objectweb.cjdbc.controller.loadbalancer.tasks.AbstractTask.notifySuccess  )  [inherited]

Notifies the successful completion of this task.

AbstractTask.java96 行で定義されています。

参照先 org.objectweb.cjdbc.controller.loadbalancer.tasks.AbstractTask.failed, org.objectweb.cjdbc.controller.loadbalancer.tasks.AbstractTask.nbToComplete, org.objectweb.cjdbc.controller.loadbalancer.tasks.AbstractTask.success, と org.objectweb.cjdbc.controller.loadbalancer.tasks.AbstractTask.totalNb.

参照元 org.objectweb.cjdbc.controller.loadbalancer.tasks.WriteStoredProcedureTask.execute(), org.objectweb.cjdbc.controller.loadbalancer.tasks.WriteRequestWithKeysTask.execute(), org.objectweb.cjdbc.controller.loadbalancer.tasks.WriteRequestTask.execute(), org.objectweb.cjdbc.controller.loadbalancer.tasks.SelectRequestTask.execute(), org.objectweb.cjdbc.controller.loadbalancer.tasks.RollbackTask.execute(), org.objectweb.cjdbc.controller.loadbalancer.tasks.ReadStoredProcedureTask.execute(), org.objectweb.cjdbc.controller.loadbalancer.tasks.KillThreadTask.execute(), org.objectweb.cjdbc.controller.loadbalancer.tasks.CommitTask.execute(), と org.objectweb.cjdbc.controller.loadbalancer.tasks.BeginTask.execute().

00098   {
00099     success++;
00101     // Notify if needed
00102     if ((success == nbToComplete) || (success + failed == totalNb))
00103     {
00104       if (failed > 0)
00105         notifyAll(); // Notify all failed threads too
00106       else
00107         notify();
00108     }
00109   }

void org.objectweb.cjdbc.controller.loadbalancer.tasks.AbstractTask.setHasTid boolean  hasTid  )  [inherited]

Sets the hasTid value.

Used internally by BackendWorkerThread.

hasTid The hasTid to set.

AbstractTask.java243 行で定義されています。

参照元 org.objectweb.cjdbc.controller.loadbalancer.BackendWorkerThread.addPriorityTask(), と org.objectweb.cjdbc.controller.loadbalancer.BackendWorkerThread.addTask().

00244   {
00245     this.hasTid = hasTid;
00246   }

void org.objectweb.cjdbc.controller.loadbalancer.tasks.AbstractTask.setTotalNb int  totalNb  )  [inherited]

Sets the total number of threads.

totalNb the total number of threads to set

AbstractTask.java219 行で定義されています。

参照元 org.objectweb.cjdbc.controller.loadbalancer.raidb2.RAIDb2.callStoredProcedure().

00220   {
00221     this.totalNb = totalNb;
00222   }

String org.objectweb.cjdbc.controller.loadbalancer.tasks.WriteRequestTask.toString  ) 


WriteRequestTask.java357 行で定義されています。

参照先 org.objectweb.cjdbc.common.sql.AbstractRequest.getSQL().

00358   {
00359     return "WriteTask (" + request.getSQL() + ")";
00360   }


AbstractWriteRequest org.objectweb.cjdbc.controller.loadbalancer.tasks.WriteRequestTask.request [private]

WriteRequestTask.java49 行で定義されています。

int org.objectweb.cjdbc.controller.loadbalancer.tasks.WriteRequestTask.result [private]

WriteRequestTask.java50 行で定義されています。

CJDBCversion1.0rc6に対してWed May 5 18:02:48 2004に生成されました。 doxygen 1.3.6